All Is Equal In Love & Wedgies

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TW: Mention of death and The F slur

Everything was a blurry mess as your head is lifted out of the toilet water, Your underwear Wedged up your butt and the sound of what seems to be laughter erupting from behind you.

"Let's hang this faggot up from the flagpole!" You hear someone suggest, "No No i think they need to be Thrown in the garbage bin!" Another suggestion is thrown out.

The discussion is loudly spoken between the bullies before you hear a loud "SHUT UP!" From what you believe Is the main bully, the silence grows as your thrown onto the floor of the bathroom then your face met with a shoe, knocking you out.

An hour later

You wake up from being knocked out, school's already been dismissed by the looks of it as the suns already setting. You look down and notice your now hoisted up the flagpole by your briefs, your mouth duct taped so you can't scream for help. Your basically pretty helpless, Thinking to yourself about how to get out of this situation.

A few minutes pass and you decide to start taking action by swinging back and forth, but your soon stopped by a voice from behind you. "don't swing, You swing, your underwear rip, and you fall from 40ft in the air onto that Concrete down there and splat!" The voice behind you let's out a small chuckle.

You stop swinging and go back to just hanging there helplessly, but somehow you find your Ducttape gag loosened and now falls from your mouth allowing you to breath in the warm air, "Thanks for the advice been up here as long as me?" You ask the voice, No Response.

A couple minutes pass as you look around for someone whos maybe walking around this time of day, just as you one in sight. "Yep.. However they didn't kick my face in, I was worried for a second seeing how you didn't move for a while." The voice replies to your question from a while go.

"You know they do this to us because we are gay right? They are your typical Homophobic Trashy jocks who Smell like Axe and Jerk off to Trashy Lesbian porn" The voice says Laughing, He manages to Get a Giggle or 2 out of you as well.

"Wait a minute...Are you? Ethan??" You ask the voice as you realize the voice sounds oddly similar to your Crush who you didn't even SUSPECT was gay. You start to blush as you realize he's hanging up in the air with you, Even worse is the fact you chose the wrong day to wear your dino briefs.

"Yep..Im Ethan the kid you thought was straight" Ethan says blushing as his identity is known and He's now out. "What do you say we get din-" Ethan is interrupted as he sees a police car pull up to the entrance of the school, shining his light at the 2 boys and laughing. "You fellas got yourselves in quite the predicament didn't you?" He asks you and Ethan as you both Nod yes.

"Well i gotta take a picture to 'Document' this" The officer says taking a picture and laughing at yours and Ethans misfortune. 10 pictures later the Officer finally decides to walk over and Lower you and Ethan from your torment.

A minute later you and Ethan finally reach the ground, Digging both of your hands in each of your pants to dig the Deeply wedged undies out of your butts. You and him both make eye contact, the both of you blushing at the sight of one another.

"Well I'll leave you two Nerds alone" The officer says before digging his hands in your pants and give your dino undies another hard tug and laughing. He heads back to his car and shouts "later Nerds" before driving off, leaving you and Ethan finally alone.

Ethan realizes you and him are finally alone so He takes the chance to kiss your cheek to celebrate His and your Accomplishment from getting down. You Laugh as you decide to get Even with him, Laying a kiss down on his lips.

Ethan blushes as he stutters a bit trying to ask you a question, still in shock from the kiss. "D-D-Do you M-Maybe wanna go to D-Dinner?" Ethan asks you as he looks down shyly, Expecting a hard no from you.

You take a little bit of time to process what just happened before you Hold your hand out Infront of Ethan, giving a "Yes, I'd love to Ethan" in response. Ethan gives a heartwarming smile as he takes your hand and holds it tightly as you both walk away from the flag pole, Which will now forever be yours and Ethans Spot As you both live happily. Ever. After.

The End

Gotta Love Wedgies: A POV Of Wedgie FantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now