An Interesting Note

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Anti already hated his life all over again.

It had been a long day and he had seen some shit he didn't want to. Cleaning the egos rooms was horrid by itself but CLEANING THEIR BATHROOMS!?

'I swear they've never cleaned their own toilets before. How fucking disgusting!'

Not that he could talk. He didn't have to use the bathroom if he didn't eat or drink anything AND he never had his own bathroom before so why would he have ever needed to clean one before?

The cleaning supplies was the worst part for him.

'I feel like I'm gonna puke out my stomach in one piece. The bleach is burning my fucking insides'

But still, he scrubbed, trying not to get sick cleaning these bastards' toilets.

When finally finished, it was about time for dinner but he wasn't in the mood for food. Or to be around anyone. Not like he had a choice, though. He had to do the dishes again.

Subconsciously, Anti flitted his fingers around his neck to feel the 'choker' but sighed heavily, 'I need to find that device. It can't be too big or else I would have seen it by now here in the house . . . . . it's not in any of their rooms but Marvin DID seem defensive about earlier. I don't see why he wouldn't be, though. I wouldn't trust me, either'

He smirked slightly but left Jackie's room. He had finished cleaning all their rooms, the laundry, the lunch dishes, dusting and picking up around the house and now he had just finished all the bathrooms. He was ready to just go back down to his basement cage and call it a day.

But he couldn't. Because of his 'torture'. And boy was it torture.

'I really did underestimate them. They really are pretty evil bastards. And I thought I was bad. Cleaning their shit and nasty stains has fucked me up quite a bit. I'm traumatized now' he joked to himself.

Waddling down the stairs, Anti shoved his hands in his pockets, taking his time to meet them down in the kitchen for dinner. Thankfully Jackie really did order out again so he didn't have to worry about cooking.

Not that he'd worry about it. He couldn't really cook so that was gonna be their own torture whenever it came up and he'd have great satisfaction in not knowing what he was doing for once.

He grinned just thinking about it.

"Hey, what's up, Anti?"

Anti flinched but looked up to meet Jackie's eyes.

Anti growled like an angry little dog and really he was compared to him but just as feisty, "What?"

Jackie smiled wide, "I don't know if you like Chinese but that's what we're having tonight if you want some."

Anti hated the idea of joining them. He wanted nothing more than to-

Jackie winked at him and smiled gently, "OR. . . . if you want, I could make you a plate for yourself and you can eat it downstairs by yourself?"

Anti blinked and squinted his eyes at him distrustfully, "But what about-"

Jackie shrugged, "I'll do the dishes. You've done pretty good today about cleaning and doing all those chores without much complaining so I'll take this one off your hands"

Anti didn't know what to say but his face softened a little.

Until he remembered the mess he had to clean up in his bathroom, "By the way, you need to clean your own toilet more often because that was DISGUSTING, you nasty motherfucker"

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