Last Night on Earth

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This chapter takes place during Season 5 Episode 10. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

Dean had called Bobby on the drive to his house letting him know they had the colt. It was a 14 hour drive so they didn't get back until late in the afternoon. Upon arriving, Marley immediately went upstairs to shower and get changed into something more comfortable. She let the hot water wash away all of the stress from the past few days. The convention had been beyond weird, but seeing all the creativity from people was amazing. She could definitely respect the fans that Supernatural had acquired, no matter how weird she found the whole thing.

And then there was Crowley. The way he had looked at her... "what are you?" Marley frowned as she began drying off. And then she realized— Castiel had said the same thing when he first met her.

"What are you?"

Castiel's voice was much deeper than she had been expecting. The look on his face stayed the same and Marley couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his stare. And the way he asked that question....

"She's human Cas. Just like Sam and me."

"No." The rough voice broke her stare from Dean. "There's something in her."

She remembered the way her eyes had uncontrollably flashed blue when she first saw him and how every part of her was on edge. He was an all powerful angel, she knew that, but she still felt on a deeper level that he would kill her given the chance.

She threw on a pair of jeans and a gray T-shirt before throwing on the mandatory plaid shirt- this one was yellow and blue. She was running a brush through her hair that was still damp with water, when her eyes caught on Dean's jacket that was lying discarded on the bed. A smile crept onto her face as she remembered the end of the convention. He had apologized and then... then he had kissed her. Her cheeks grew warm at the memory, but a knock on the door pulled her out of it.

"It's open!"

She turned around as the door squeaked opened, still brushing out the knots in her hair. Dean took a few steps into the room, before he stopped with his hands shoved into his jean pockets.

"Hey." His voice was soft.


Marley tossed the brush on the bed and grabbed the jacket that it landed beside. She tossed it to Dean before walking to the bathroom. Dean stood awkwardly in the bedroom for a solid 4 seconds before he followed her towards the bathroom. His shoulder leaned into the doorframe as he watched the girl's fingers twist a braid into her caramel hair.

"Are we good?"

Marley glanced over at him before averting her gaze to find the hair-tie. "Is there a reason we wouldn't be?"

Dean shrugged his right shoulder. "You just seemed pretty pissed with the whole tricking the demons thing and then when we got back you kinda stormed right up here without saying anything."

Marley finished wrapping the tie around the end of her braid that draped over her left shoulder, and then turned to face Dean. "I'm fine."

Dean's eyes rolled up to the ceiling before he took a breath and looked at her again. "Look if we're going after the devil tomorrow, I think it's best if we're all on the same page."

"Okay." Marley nodded. "I think we all want the devil dead. Same page."

She walked back to the bedroom and heard him sigh slightly behind her. What was his deal? She was fine, what was he pressing for?

"Do you want to talk about what happened at Crowley's? Cause you seem kind of mad at me."

Marley turned around to look at Dean who had stepped out of the doorway, but still kept a few feet between them. Her brows furrowed slightly in confusion.

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