The Story of Our Life

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This chapter is based on Season 4 Episode 18. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

Marley didn't actually want another phone call. Least of all on a Tuesday. She was perfectly content to sleep in on the park bench she had found surrounded by trees, a peaceful stream and birds above her.

But the constant buzzing of her phone at 8am destroyed the peaceful stillness.

She briefly considered chucking it into the river or perhaps a nearby tree, but she also didn't particularly feel like ruining such a beautiful park with garbage. So instead, she stuffed her hand into her jeans pocket and wretched out her cell phone. She flipped it open before speaking, her eyes still closed.

"What the heck do you want at this hour Winchester? Because unless you want your heart ripped out of your chest it better be good." Her voice was a low growl, her wolf side coming through in annoyance.

"Good morning to you too Marley!" Sams voice was too chipper for Marley's liking. How could he be happy at this ungodly hour?

"What do you want?" She squeezed the bridge of her nose tightly praying a migraine wouldn't start.

"Well Dean wanted to call and say hi but he chickened out while the phone was ringing."

"Sam." Marley growled. "I am not in the mood, especially at freaking 6 in the morning."

Sam was currently receiving a death glare from Dean who was behind the wheel of the impala. He sighed.

"I'm putting you on speaker with Dean here."


She just groaned in response.

"So how would you feel if someone was writing a story of your life?" Sam questioned.

"Murder. I would murder them."

A smile unconsciously made its way onto Dean's face.

"Glad to hear you're as sane as I am."

Marley paused midyawn.

"I don't want to be compared to a Winchester sanity wise," she said slowly. Tightening her grip on the phone, she unconsciously leaned forward. "What do you mean about a book?"

"Well we went into this bookstore and walked up to the guy at the cash register. Probably in his 30's with a balding head, glasses-"

"Sam you're supposed to be telling me about a book not writing me one." Marley snapped as she finally sat up on the bench, abandoning any hope of falling back asleep.

"We're at a Black Hawk Motel in Kaycee, Wyoming. Get your butt over here and we'll explain." Dean spoke, his eyes focused on the road.

"Or how about you deal with that and I go back to sleep."

"Bears hibernate Marley, not wolves. Be here in under 5 hours."

Dean reached over and pressed the end call button on the screen. Sam looked at him with slightly raised eyebrows.

"You really think she'll come now?"

Dean kept his eyes on the road. "Yup. She has to have the last word."


It took her about 3 hours to make the drive into Wyoming before she was banging on room 5 of the semi-shabby motel. Sam opened the door and he smiled when he saw the girl in front of him.

"Hey Sammy."

Marley wasn't exactly chipper, but she had gotten some bacon into her system and now she was ready to figure out what the heck these morons were talking about. She walked into the room and her eyes landed on Dean who was laying on a bed reading a book.

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