Do You Believe in Ghosts?

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This chapter is based on Season 4 Episode 17. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

Marley gave a small smile to Mark as she walked past him in the building. He returned the smile before going back to his conversation. Mark was the secretary for the executive that was in room 205, and he had been a huge help to her the past 2 weeks that she had been working here. She was carrying a tray of coffee and a bag of bagels. Neither were actually for her, she just brought them in for the other secretary's that were in the offices around her. She loved her job and most of that came from the friends she had made while here. All of the secretaries loved her, the executives not so much considering she wasn't great at the job. But to her credit, she tried so hard it almost made up for the fact that she struggled with knowing how to use the computer programs to fill out the forms. She knew how to fill them out and every other part of her job, but when it came to knowing how to use the computer, it was like she had fallen asleep during that lecture. Marley set the breakfast items down on the community table in the secretaries' room and sat at her desk. She pulled up the spreadsheets on her computer and got to work.

A little under an hour later, a message popped up in the bottom right corner of her screen.

D. Smith has logged into his computer.

She received the same message every day, 5 times a week. It was an amazing addition to her computer and she loved the guy in IT for helping her with it. Now she knew exactly when her boss got here and could appear as an awesome employee that showed up in his office ready to go without him requesting her presence. Marley stood up from her desk, smoothing her black skirt before heading towards his office. A light tapping on the door caused the executive to look up from the papers on his desk. A smile crossed his face as he looked at the caramel-haired girl in front of him.

"Good morning Mr. Smith."

"Come on Marley, I told you to call me Dean."

"I know... but you're my boss Mr.-... Dean." Marley corrected herself.

"Mr. Dean?" Dean teased, the smile widening on his face.

Marley blushed furiously. "I... I... I have the spreadsheets you asked for."

She walked forward and placed the papers on his desk. Dean stared at the gray eyed girl in front of him, her cheeks still a bright shade of red. She was adorabley cute when she got embarrassed.

Dean inwardly sighed as he went back to focusing on work. "I need the T-74's filled out for the 3 equity change sheets that I emailed you."

"Yes sir." Marley said still refusing to make eye contact after her embarrassing moment.

Dean watched as she walked out of his office. They had hired her specifically for him so he could have his own secretary and he was extremely grateful. Sure she might not always know what she was doing, but she brought a certain ray of light into his otherwise mundane office job. Marley spent a solid hour trying to get the equity sheets open in Microsoft excel instead of google sheets, but was failing miserably. She glanced down at the clock in the bottom right of her screen and sighed heavily as she leaned back in her chair. It was time.

She grabbed the flash drive out of her computer, ignoring the error message that appeared telling her she had failed to remove it properly, and headed to the elevator. The path to the IT department had been taken so many times she didn't even need to think about it. She got off the elevator before making 2 lefts and a right, ending up in a giant room that was filled to the brim with cubicles that contained computers and nerds.

"Oh no. Dude we gotta hide."

"What are you going on about now Ian?"

Ian was wearing a red and gray plaid shirt overtop of a crappy gray graphic T-shirt. He had a slight scruff growing on his face and he did not take his job seriously at all. The desk behind him belonged to Sam Wesson who might as well have been his polar opposite, but also happened to be one of his best friends. Sam was wearing the company standard yellow polo and had actually been trying to do his job before Ian had interrupted him.

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