Chapter 3. Guests

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Bella's POV

        After hearing Jasper's story i couldn't believe it. Another Cullen. A Whitlock. Jacob arrived back at the Cullens and we told him the situation. He stayed long enough to see Nessie wake up, then went back to La Push to ask Sam's pack to fight with us. They will. Now the wolves have a death sentence too.

        Jasper and Alice haven't returned; i don't know where they are. We're all getting worried. We took off into the woods afraid they had been hurt. When Sam met us at the treaty line handing us a note. Alice and Jasper have left us.

        We're all extremely depressed. Rosalie and Emmett just sit in each others arms, Carlisle and Esme both share sad, loving glances at each other but are otherwise frozen. Edwards trying to make me feel better so this past hour he has been filling Renesmee and I in on everything Scarlett. She sounds amazing. I can't wait to meet her. To be honest his distraction attempt does lift my spirits for a little while, But nothing can fill the sadness from Alice's departure.

        Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme are preparing to leave. They are travelling the globe looking for witnesses to stand alongside us. The Denali's will come first, then the the Irish coven, Egyptian coven, Peter and Charlotte and as many nomads as they can find. Once our guests allow Nessie to 'show' them the truth, they will have to believe it.

        Today we were tasked with convincing the Denali's to witness for us. Renesmee sat on my lap, her head nestled in the crook of my neck.

     'What if they don't like me?' She whispered.

        'Of course they'll-,' Jacob began before i cut him off.

        'They just don't understand you Renesmee, they've never met anyone like you. You're special.'

       Shaking her head in disagreement, she says, 'This is my fault.'

        'No,' Jacob, Edward and I all say together. The conversation drops as we watch the Denali's car pull into the meadow. Four people approach the front door. Edward goes to greet them whilst we stay behind in the living room.

        'Edward!' comes a very enthused female voice.

        'Tanya, Kate, Carmen, Eleazer, Hello.'

        'Carlisle said he needed to talk to us immediately. Is there a problem?' Whats going on?'

        'I beg that you keep a open mind,' came the melodic voice of my husband, 'The entire family is in grave danger. Bella? Bring Renesmee.'

I get up, walking to meet him, Renesmee still in my arms. The four vampires before me freeze and shocked hisses escape from their lips.

        'What have you done?' Says Tanya.

        'Please Tanya you promised to listen.' Begs Edward.

        'Some thing cannot be heard!' Yells Kate. They others nod their heads in agreement and begin moving towards the door 'We must leave. Now. Before it's too late.'

        'Wait!' Says Edward, 'She's not a full vampire child. She is half human.' They all seem to freeze again. 'I am her father, her biological father. Bella is her biological mother. She gave birth to Renesmee whilst still human.'

        'Impossible.' mutters Eleazer.

        Carmen is the only one to respond. She moves towards Renesmee, stepping around her mate. They smile at each other as Renesmee lifts a hand to her cheek.

        'What's Nessie showing her?' I ask Edward.


        After another minute has passed, Renesmee drops her hand from Carmen's face.

        'She really is your daughter. Come-' she motions to her family. ' Edward has told you nothing but the truth, let the little one show you,."

       The process was repeated three more times to the other members of the Denali coven, and once they saw they undoubtedly believed us. They agreed to witness, and if necessary, to fight.

        Over the next few weeks the Cullens house became crowded. More and more vampires showed up, all bearing bright red eyes, much to the dismay of the werewolves. Although they agreed to not hunt in the Forks area, the packs were still upset that human lives were still being lost. Lives they swore to protect. However with Renesmee in danger, they accepted the circumstance.

        Eleazer discovered my power, in that i am a shield. He's not 100% sure because i block him out of my head too. But we think it's a pretty good hunch.

        The arrivals were much like the Denali coven, they freaked at the sight of Renesmee but once they saw our side, they agreed to witness. It was kind of like a boring cycle.          

        Some of the covens are much easier to get along with then others and i already consider them friends, even extensions to the family. But then there are others, like Amun who all but refuses to acknowledge anyone, and has his mind set on our 'imminent doom', as he likes ot put it. The only reason he stays is because of Benjamin. A vampire with the incredible power to control the elements. I asked Edward about it and he said that Amun was worried about the Volturi getting their hands on Benjamin.

        Allistir was another antisocial vampire. He preferred to hide up in the attic, rambling on about how a decades worth of hiding from Aro was officilly down the drain. Edward didn't like his comment and was quick to rebuke how Scarlett has been hiding for almost 40 years, and is hunted by the Volturi worse then him. Needless to say he shut up pretty quick and went back to being a stereotyical vamp.

        However the strangest guests to arrive had to be the Romanians. Vladimir and Stefan. They said that Alice hadn't sent them, meaning word has spread of our situation. They won't touch Renesmee and don't car if she were an immortal child, they just want to be around if the Volturi come finally meet their demise. Apparently the Romanians have waited a long time to see it.

In the end we pulled together seventeen witnesses- the Irish, Siobhan, Liam and Maggie; the Egyptians, Amun, Kebi, Benjamin and Tia; the Amazons, Zefrina and Senna; the Romanians, Vladimir and Stefan; and the Nomads, Peter, Charlotte, Garrett, Alistair, Mary and Randell- to go with our family of eleven (the Denali's, Tanya, Kate, Eleazer and Carmen, insisted being counted as part of the family). Our gathering was impressive to say the least. And we were starting to develop a little hope that maybe we weren't doomed.

We all had hope, maybe not for the same things, but we all hoped.

OMG. I haven't udated in a while. So, that being said i would like to thank musa66188 and her comment to update. If it weren't for your encouragement i probably wouldn't have. So anyone reading this chapter please send a thankyou her way. I love you all. If you like my story, or if you don't like it, either way post a comment i take criticism well. DO NOT BE AFRAID. Again i would just like to say i dont own any of these characters other than Scarlett, BTW she should be appearing soon. All rights go to Stephanie Meyer.

Anyway, bye for now. I love you all.




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