Chapter 6. Practise Makes Perfect

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Scarlett's POV

'Oh yeah, well by wolfy thing i, i kind of touched Jacob, and i was able to mimic his gift. I became a wolf.' My confession is met with the awed faces of every vampire in the room bar Edward, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme. I let out an awkward chuckle, trying to break the silence.

After a while Dad decides to step in, 'So tell us Scarlett, what have you been doing all these years? What powers have you collected?'

Everyone seems very interested in finding out the details of my time away. 'Okay. So the Volturi have been chasing me since I left. Truth be told, they never stopped. Well i mean they stopped for about 3 days last year when you guys had that newborn army to fight. But other than that.' They all nod their heads in understanding. I refuse to listen to their private thoughts so i just continue with the story. 'In these past years i have adopted all the powers possessed by the Volturi, along with the gifts of different covens and nomads. By the way, Benjamin, you and i need to shake hands.' Everyone laughs at this.

'It would be an honour, Scarlett. Amun has told me much about you.' Replied Benjamin.

'So Scar?' Says Emmett, 'I think the real thing on everyone's mind is when's training?'

'Training Emmett? Really? You all know how to fight.'

'Yeah, but you're the only one we know who has any hope of actually beating the Volturi. Plus i want to see how i'd fair against all your gifts.'

I chuckle, 'Sorry Em, but you'd lose. Miserably.'

'Please. You're on lil sis.'

Okay Em, if you say so. The clearing, 5 minutes.'

Carlisle and Esme just stand off to the side, shaking their heads. Bella and Renesmee seems utterly amazed. The visiting covens all stare at me in awe, obviously having heard the stories and rumours about me. And Edward, just laughs, listening to everyone's  thoughts.

Thankyou for doing this Scar. He thinks.

It's okay. I just wish Jaz would get here, i miss my big brother.

Scar, he and Alice...They left us.

Have faith Edward. We're a family. We never leave family. Trust me, i should know.  And with that i walk out the door, towards the clearing.

Bring it on Aro, bring it on.

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