Chapter 7. Invisible

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Holy Damn guys. 266 reads, like for me that is shocking and amazing, and i love you guys for reading this and liking it and voting. You guys are the bomb.Also thank you to those fabulous people who followed me, i love you!!!!

Scarlett's POV

Walking outside, i make my way towards the garage, hearing the rest of the family and guests trailing behind me. I come to a stop and face Emmett. I guess that in the forty years I've been gone, Emmett is still Emmett. Hasn't changed one bit, he's still as cocky as ever.

'Okay sis, it's you and me.' Reading his thoughts i see he thinks we're arm wrestling. I laugh at his memories of Bella beating him.

'Oh Emmett, haven't you lost enough arm-wrestling battles to last you a lifetime?'

'Still a comedian, i see.'

'Always. No Emmett i was thinking something more along the lines of a fight.'

His smirk widens, the poor dear thinks he can actually win. 'Don't hold back on me little sis. If I'm gonna win then don't hold back. Powers and all.'

'You sure Em? I wouldn't want to embarrass you.' Edward chuckles off to the side, reading my thoughts and knowing that it's exactly what i want to do. I'm competitive,what can i say? Bella gives him a confused look and he just utters a, 'Watch.'

Focusing my attention back on Emmett i see him nod, as if to say "I'm ready". I close my eyes, succumbing to visions of his attacks. Every decision he makes ends with him on the floor. This will be good.

Seeing that he is about to lunge at me, i step to the right at the exact moment we should have collided. His expression changes to more determined, or stubborn (whichever way you look at it). Edward reading my thoughts commentates the fight, reporting on every change in gift i use. 'Alice.' he says.

Again Emmett jumps at me, but i move again, turning to find him grasping at thin air. I begin to manipulate his emotions, increasing his anger until he sees nothing but red. 'Jasper.' whispers Edward.

'Come on Em, give us a challenge.'

'Why don't you use something i haven't seen before.' He suggests. Hmm, he asked for it. Edward reading my thoughts gasps, 'Jane.' Before Emmett has time to react he is writhing on the floor, the pain consuming him. I almost immediately relent, hating the pain i am causing him.

'Sorry Em, had enough yet?'

He chuckles, 'As if. Show me something different.' he begs.

Something different. I think. I know just the thing. Ignoring Edward's wide eyes i turn myself invisible, using a gift i acquired one day when passing through a small town in Russia. I know Emmett can still hear me, so i use Alec's gift to cut off all their senses. They all begin to grumble in protest, except Eddy who was of course expecting it and just mutters Alec's name under his breath. Sneaking up behind Emmett, i release the group from my hold and return to being visible. Wide eyed they all look to find me on Emmett's back, my fangs inches from his throat.

'Good game sis.' He says.

Climbing off his back i say a thank you, and turn to my family.

'So what exactly do these 62 gifts entail?' asks Garrett.

I smile at him, 'Well i have the powers of everyone here, all the Volturi, the shifting into a ginormous wolf thing, and a few gifts I've acquired from Nomads over the years. Like for example the invisibility. It comes in handy, especially when i use Alec's gift with it. I become completely hidden, totally invisible.

'That's so cool.' exclaims Bella.

'I'm glad you think so.' Obviously sensing my discomfort with the topic, Edward speaks up.

'Scar has always hated her ability. She believes that without it, she wouldn't have any problems-'

'Because i wouldn't' I interrupt. 'Sure my gift comes in handy sometimes, but if i didn't have so many problems, i wouldn't need it at all.'

'What of Aro?' Says Eleazar, 'Surely he has never given up searching for you. Your gift far out-ways any in the guard.'

'Yes Eleazar. He's never given up. But in truth, Aro fears me. I could kill him, easily, kill the entire guard. If the Volturi don't stop because of our numbers, and the wolves, believe me, they'll stop because of me. Knowledge of my power has reached the furthest corners of the globe, many people call me the only thing Aro fears. The only thing the Volturi fear.

'You sound as though you think you could take out the entire guard?'

'I can. They will stop, because they don't want to die.' I say, a sense of finality in my tone. With that i walk away.

Thanks again for reading this and i will try to update as soon as i can. Love you.


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