Fresh start

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I look around my house  to see boxes and suitcases, I spent the last week packing everything up ever since I found my boyfriend in bed with my BFF cheating on me that night I remember crying myself to sleep and burning all of his belongings and throwing everything that belonged to him but i didn't let that get to me I never let a boy bring me down and I won't start now so here I am moving to London to make a fresh start....

~ 12 hours later~
I just got off the plane and now I'm waiting for my taxi to come so it can take my to my apartment...

~ 15 minutes later~
My taxi just got here and I was about to close the door when I hear a man's voice
« Hey wait »the guy said
« Can we share this taxi? Im late to my friends celebration party »
« Um yea sure » Y/N said
« Thank you » the guy said 

~ 5 minutes into the car ride ~
« So.. what's u name? » Y/N asked
« Tom Holland » Tom said
« Wait like THE Tom Holland? » Y/N asked
« Yea that Tom Holland » he chuckles
« I'm a huge fan of u movies » Y/N said
« Thanks » Tom said
« What's u name? » Tom asked
« Oh I'm Y/N »
They both stared into each other eyes for what it felt forever they snapped out of their tenace one ce the man said they were at Tom's stop ...

« Hey.. can I maybe get u number so we could hang out again? » Tom asked
« Um.. sure » Y/N said « it's (y/p/n) «
« Ok thnx » Tom said
« Yep »
« See you Y/N »
« See you Tom »

~2 and half hours later~
I just finished unpacking my last box and now I'm officially settled in... I was going to take a shower when I got a message

« Tom 🥰»
Hey it's Tom I was
wondering if u wanted
to have lunch tomorrow?
« Y/N »
Sure that be nice
what time?
« Tom🥰 »
« Y/N »
Yea where?
« Tom🥰 »
That's a surprise I can
just pick you up just give me
u address
« Y/N »
How do I know u don't
want to kidnap me? 😂
« Tom🥰 »
Cause if I did u wouldn't
have shared u taxi with me
« Y/N » 
Ok fair enough here
« Tom🥰 »
Thnx see u tomorrow
« Y/N »
Goodnight cutie 😊
« Tom🥰 »
Night darling

~next morning~ 
I woke up at 9 the next day to make breakfast and get ready for lunch with Tom which u were nervous but excited and u didn't know why

You're outfit is at the top
It's currently 12:25 pm and I heard a knock on the door and I opened it thinking it was Tom but oh boy was I wrong....

Authors note: I apologize if it's bad this is my first story and I just went along with some ideas I had also comment on who do I think was at the door?? 😏😨🤔

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