The Bad Guy

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"During our Hankook days." Sehun beamed. "Namjoo was in the drama club."

An awkward laugh burst out of her sounding more anxious than real. Slapping her thigh, she turned to her boyfriend, "I was. In the drama club." She wheeled around to Sehun, eyes kind of bugging but more delirious, "You went to Hankook?"

The smile kind of inched further up his face. One shoulder shrugged, "I did."

She was so fucked!

"Enough with the small talk," Chanyeol waved the walk down memory lane off. "You must be starving."

He led her down the short corridor that seemed to swallow her the more they walked. Further down some intersecting corridor she heard the sounds of movement, plates, and chairs scraping floorboard – perhaps prepping the table for this meal. Namjoo's stomach knotted knowing escape was inevitable now.

She was about to meet wealthy parents and sit down with a man she'd had sex with the previous night while putting on a mask in front of her boyfriend. Like this was the same thing she did every other day.

Before arriving, she asked, "Where's the bathroom?"

"You feeling all right?" Chanyeol worried.

Trying not to jump from feet to feet, she excused, "I just have to freshen up."

"Promise you won't run away?" Chanyeol joked.

Namjoo did her best to sound chipper. "Promise."

Letting go of her shoulder, he pointed down her left, "Two doors down. You want me to wait?"

Grinning, "I won't get lost. I'm not a child."

Leaving the men, Namjoo found said bathroom and shut the door. Spinning around to a wide mirror she immediately gaped at her dissolving calm pretension. Alone now she was free to fall apart.

This just couldn't be real.

This just couldn't be happening.

It didn't make sense.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

Covering her face, she allowed herself a minute to draw herself together. Not much time for her to be a panicky girl when they were waiting for her right outside. She just needed to think rationally. Besides, on the bright side Sehun hadn't revealed last night's event so she should be safe. On the way side, she was bound to meet him again if he was Chanyeol's brother.

Whatever possibility she tried to draw out Sehun was at the end of the straw. There was no way to avoid him. But...why was she the only one mulling in dismay? Shouldn't he be wallowing in just as much guilt for sleeping with his brother's girlfriend?

The click of the doorknob twisting caused her heart to explode. Whirling around with a gasp Namjoo's lower back slammed into the rim of the sink.

Oh Sehun filled up the doorway she thought she'd locked. Apparently, her brain had short circuited.

Uneasiness trickled down her spine as he took a step inside. With nowhere to run but into the ginormous sparkling white tub on her left, Namjoo pinned herself against the sink counter.

Heart ramming, Namjoo's chin barely connected with her collarbone when he came to a stop in front of her. Drawing her shoulders together as if that would help make her disappear. The width of his body up front intimidated her. Namjoo stared right into the third button of his clad blue shirt. She didn't want to remember his chest crushing her breasts or the exact way his body felt between her legs.

Spreading his arms around her he gripped onto the edge of the sink. "So, Chanyeol, huh?"

He had put something on. She could smell the strong scent flowing up her nose. He inched nearer. The scent grew stronger in a bad seductive way. Her front tasted the heat pouring off his body. He was standing that close.

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