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Sometime in the evening Namjoo finally stirred. Not of her own accord but because he'd been playfully skimming a finger across her cheek into her hair. Once more he was fascinated by her mere existence; the silky strands of her hair; the soft of her skin; the mere fact she was breathing and asleep on his lap.

Everything in him thundered to life, because they were together. They'd kissed. They'd done things unimaginable, but none of it was a lie, and he was so fucking lucky this was happening.

Namjoo nodded her nose into his shirt annoyed before her eyes fluttered open. Her hair slipped over her shoulder as she sat rubbing her eyes.

"Good rest?" he asked.

"How long have you been awake?"

Draping an arm across her belly, he replied, "Long enough." Pecking her cheek he urged, "Come on."

"What?" she wondered when he started rising.

"I saw a convenience store nearby." On his feet now Sehun stretched.

"I have food." Namjoo blinked.

"If I'm staying another night, another change of clothes will be nice." His eyes twinkled.

The corner of her lips curled making his heart leap. He hoped it was a sign she looked forward to tonight, too.

It had to be.

Impatiently grabbing her hand, he lugged her to her feet. He grabbed his wallet. She grabbed her keys. Swiftly slipping into their shoes sharing airy giggles they hurried out her door grasping hands as they dashed toward the elevator.

The joy was surreal as they embarked on the road hands tightly clutched between them. The rest of the world was unimportant. None of the people watching this couple as they blast by in their cars. Or the unlucky weekend workers staring down their windows seeing a man and a woman crossing the sidewalk in love.

Arriving at the convenience store Sehun grabbed a basket with one hand, the other still clinging onto Namjoo's sturdily.

"These, too." Namjoo dunked cookies into the basket.

"You have milk?"


"Milk is cookies' couple." Sehun told. Namjoo gave him a funny eye. "It's a commandment. Remind me to grab milk."

He pulled her into the necessities aisle where he searched for a toothbrush.

"Aww...all the manly colors are out." He moped.

Sehun got a smack on the arm. Namjoo scoffed humored. "Manly." Grabbing a yellow toothbrush off a peg she tossed it into the basket. "There."

Finishing off with a pair of cheap gray sweats and a t-shirt they went over to the cooler section. Propping a door open they went over the variety on sale.

"Want to share a drink tonight?" he asked.

"No, I'm not in the mood."

Tapping the underside of her chin he flirtatiously lowered his voice, "I can get you in the mood."

Hurriedly darting her eyes in case someone overheard she smugly thwarted, "In your dreams."

Chuckling he grabbed a half liter of milk off the shelf. "But I'll cook tonight."

Raising a brow as if doubting his ability, she asked, "You can cook?"

"Other than what I'm best at," he teased then wriggled his fingers, "my hands are pretty good with food."

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