TPOTS Chapter 15

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{Dalton's P.O.V.}

I stood there, frozen. I then felt a nudge on my arm. "Dalton? Are you alright?" Cole said. I shook my head and looked at him. "Yeah. Let's go?" I said.

Before every show, we do this like ritual. We would form a circle , arm in arm and one of us would lead a prayer and we would say good luck to each other.

We did it quickly. And we went to our positions just like what we rehearsed.


Cole Dalton

Dana Gabe




We stood in this inividual circular podium that would eventually go up when the music starts.

Me and this girl got this thing..

We all sang in chorus.. without any music. The fans then got crazy. Shouting on top of their lungs.

*pssssshhhh* *psssssssshhhh*

The platform we're standing on started to go up.

Me and this girl got this thing

We continued, as the music started to play with us.

I'll take you girl just anywhere you wanna be

"What's up LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA!!" Dana shouted. yep. awkward like we haven't lived here for years.

Fans cheered. I scanned the audience to find-- OH there they are!

I waved my hands to everyone widely but still staring at Tique.

I winked at her and the crowd cheered.

Tique's P.O.V

Dalton winked at me and the crowd cheered. I felt my cheeks heat. I looked at the floor. Damn. Dalton. Dalton. Dalton. Dalton. Dalton. Dalton. He has been the only who can make me feel like this. The only one who can give me chills when he touch me. The only one who can make me shiver when he look straight to my eyes. The only one who can make me look like the most beautiful person in the world.

You're every desire
I'll change your world from agony to ecstasy
Go higher and higher with me


"Hey guys!" Dana said, placing a bottled water on the side of the stage.

"We would just like to say hi to five people in the audience." Will said.

"Yeah, you guys know who you are so..." Dalton said, then all five of them looked at each other.

"Hi." They all said in chorus.

"So our next song is Rest Of Our Lives!" Gabe said as the music started playing.


"PARTY WITH US!" Cole shouted in his mic as the crowd wwnt wild.

In the good times and the bad times
We've all been there
Through the ups and the down times
When no one cares

"When time keeps on passing and you're missing out..." Cassidy, who's sitting beside me, sang along.

"You know the song?" I asked. Not to sound so rude, being my boyfriend is a member of the band, but we don't really listen to their songs 24/7.

Just remember forever
We have the rest of our lives

"Dude. I sat through their rehearsals for the oast two years. I know the lyrics to their songs." She said matter-of-factly, "Don't worry. We understand you're new to them. You'll get the hang of it!" She tapped me on the shoulder, "NOW LET'S PARTY!"

The rest of our lives
Tu-turn it up, aye
Tu-turn it up

Tu-turn it up
It's our time don't waste it

We all danced like in what we actually do in clubs. Jumped shouted. And sang the song.. More of like shouted them. Okay! I just sang the chorus! Can you blame me?

-time skip-

We ran to the back stage to congratulate the boys. "You were amazing out there." I said to Dalton. "Thanks" he replied with a kiss.

"Let's go home guys! Great job everyone!" Jille shouted the clapped her hands. We clapped too for the astounding performance they had.

Later on we went home after a little celebration on the place.

Author's Note

I deeply apologize for this very late and loser update. Blame the author's block! But anyway, I hope you enjoyed it anyway. XD thanks for reading ^-^

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