Chapter 5

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Hello again my lovelies! I am here WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER. I am also here to tell you that sadly, my updates won't be all that frequent.

I know, you probably have already noticed how I haven't updated in a few days, thats because I got home from vacation last monday, and have been swamped. I have chores, I got a job now, Ima be cosplaying, and my friends think I was ignoring them cause I forgot to tell them I was leaving. Also the fact that my parents are always home, and they cannot know I write fanfiction. they would flip, anyways, please enjoy the chapter, and know that my next update probably wont be for a few days.

"When the hell will he be up?" Bakugo demanded, sitting next to a sleeping deku. "Ka-ch-chan" deku muttered before falling back into his coma like state, "he's been slipping in and out of consensus all day. He could fully wake any moment."

Bakugo looked at the straps holding deku down. "why the hell is he strapped down." He glared at the recovery heroin, angered at how little they trusted deku. was he the only one who saw how scared and broken the boy was? "its for his own safty as well as ours."

"yeah right! How do you think he'll react to waking up strapped down! Take em off."

"we can't do that bakugo" another voice entered the conversation. Bakugo turned around to face his black haired, exausted teacher, Mr. Aizawa. "he's still a danger weather he's a kid or not."


"you didn't let me finish, he's a danger, so he's strapped down, but when he wakes, maybe we can help him." Bakugo looked at his teacher astonished, why would this extra wanna help deku?

"How the hell are we gonna do that?"

"come with me and I'll show you"



"excuse me?"


Aizawa looked at principal nezu confused, he thought nezu would love this idea, he always wanted to see the good in people, and Aizawa knew that if nezu agreed no one (except probably endeavor) would appose. "WHY CAN'T SHITTY DEKU COME?" bakugo yelled at the table of teachers. "Bakugo calm down." Aizawa put his hand up to silence bakugo. "BUT-" 

"QUIET" Aizawa activated his quirk and glared at bakugo, who just tch and shut up. "Nezu, this could be a great thing for UA, if this succeeds-"

"and if it doesn't succeed this could be the end of our school" Midnight pointed out, getting nods from some of the other teachers. Mic looked at Aizawa with symapthy. "I agree with Aizawa this could be a great thing for the school."

"or it could end in disaster, I'm sorry Aizawa my friend, but we shouldn't put the school in this kind of risk, you saw that child almost take me down. imagine if he went back to evil" All Might said, earning glares from Aizawa, Mic, and Katsuki

"I cannot put my school in that kind of danger, I am truly sorry Eraser, but we must say no to this preposition."

Aizawa sighed and began to sit back down, waving at bakugo that he was to leave the meeting, but bakugo spoke up. "YOU DIDN'T SEE HOW SCARED THAT DAMN NERD WAS, YOU DIDN'T SEE HOW MUCH HELP HE NEEDED. HE ALWAYS LOOKED U TO YOU SHITTY HERO'S EVEN WHEN NONE OF YOU DESERVED IT, EVEN AFTER TIME AND TIME AGAIN, HE WAS TOLD HE WOULD NEVER BE LIKE YOU, HE STILL LOVED YOU AND NOW YOUR GONNA TURN YOUR BACKS ON HIM AGAIN? SOME HEROES YOU ARE!" Bakugo yelled at all his teachers before storming out of the meeting room.


Deku opened his eyes to find white. oh no oh no oh no, I can't be back here, how did they get me? I was with Kacchan and then- then-  "hey nerd" A voice spoke from the door way, Izuku opened his eyes all the way to see kacchan. "Kac-chan"

"yep, its me ya damn nerd." Bakugo came over to deku and sat by his side.

it took izuku a moment to realize he wasn't back with all for one in the testing rooms, he was in some sort of nurse office. probably at UA. suddenly he felt a pain in is arm. Deku looked over, and realized that bakugo had just punched him. "what was that for?" deku asked, going to grab his now bruised arm, only to find his hands and legs were strapped to the sides of the bed. "that was for disappearing. and that-" bakugo punched him again, "-was for breaking my arm during our fight."

Deku gasped, remembering what he had done. "I-i'm sorry, is everyone ok? is All might ok!? oh no, im gonna go to jail aren't I? then more people will die, the league will find me, it all gonna be over, oh no oh no oh no..." Deku was muttering. Bakugo, getting concerned at what he was hearing, grabbed deku's arm. "no one is gonna hurt you, the league isn't gonna find you, your safe at UA." Bakugo held deku as the small bean began to cry again. what did they do to you? he thought, rubbing the poor boys back.

Soon enough deku had fallen back asleep in bakugo's arms. somewhere in the distance, he could hear the first bell ringing, signifying that bakugo had to leave and get to class. "Crap" he whispered under his breath. he tried to separate himself from the bean, but broccoli boy would not let go. "dangit!" he muttered, realizing he wasn't gonna make it to class.

Bakugo, stuck next to the sleeping green bean, was suddenly being hit with his own wave of exhaustion. he had slept so little last night, thinking about what would happen to deku, and he had come early that morning to visit and be in the meeting, that sleep hadn't really been an issue until now. before he knew it, bakugo was cuddling the broccoli, and sleeping together on the nurse cot. 

sorry its short. But aren't they cute. Deku is cuddly and nothing can change that fact in my mind. and 100% soft bakugo for deku. 100%. sorry if I don't update soon. bye for now my lovelies!


10 years of no physical affection + traumatized izuku = cuddle obbsesed Izuku

  I really need to decide weather to call him Izuku or deku, I love both!                                              at some point midorya is gonna get thrown in. damn does this boy have to many names.

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