Chapter 6

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Aizawa walked throughout the school and sighed. Bakugo had decided to skip class today. And after how he had reacted at the meeting, Aizawa worried what had happened to him. They, as in aizawa, kirishima, and kaminari who had insisted they helped look, had checked every classroom, bathroom, and hallway, with no luck. where was this kid.

the three regrouped in the dorms. "did you find him?" Aizawa asked, receiving two faint head shakes. He sighed. "is there anywhere we haven't checked." They had looked everywhere with no sight of the missing Pomeranian. But then, Kaminari spoke up. "well, everyone was told not to go the nurse office unless it's serious, maybe he's hiding there?" Kaminari was suggesting that either A) bakugo was seriously injered, or B) bakugo had somehow managed to be in there without recovery girl noticing. "I'll check," Aizawa said, "you too go join our classmates. I'll be right back"

if bakugo skipped class, was it to see that villain boy? they seemed fairly close. Maybe he was trying to help the boy escape after what had happened at the meeting! With that in his mind, Aizawa began to run through the halls, until he finally made it to recovery girls room.

He stood in the doorway, quirk activated, hair floating. All the sudden someone laughed. "Goodness eraser, if i didn't know better I'd think a villain was breaking in!" Over to his left, sitting at her little desk thing, was recovery girl. "where is bakugo" he asked, trying not to show how embarrassed he had just gotten. "he's with the villain kid over there. The poor boy must have been exhausted from this morning." Aizawa went over to see what she was talking about. Right there laying on the cot was a sleeping bakugo holding an adorable sleeping green bean.

Deku began to stir, and immediately tried to sit up when he saw eraser head, only to be held down by the sleeping bakugos arm. the boy's face lit up a bright red at the sight. "I-i'm so s-s-sorry sir. I, I just fell asleep an-and kacchan was with me, and i was just really tired, and i must have fallen asleep on him, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.." the boy began to mumble his apologies.

"calm down. your not in trouble. I was just worried about my student." the boys eyes began to widen even more. "I didn't know he had class! did I keep him from it? waitofcourseididwhyelsewouldtheproerasureheadcomeinherelikethatohnoohnoohnoimsoterribleikeptkacchanfromclassthisisadisasternowuawillneverforgivemeandtheleaugewillcomebackohnoohnoohnoimsorryimsorryimsorryitwon'thappenagainsiriswearjust-"

"ENOUGH" Eraser head yelled, getting a jump from the boy, and stirring young bakugo. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled its just-"

"no its ok, I shouldn't mutter. go ahead, give me whatever punishment you deem worthy. im sorry" the boy looked down at the sleeping bakugo. what did he mean by punishment. sure the muttering was annoying but there's no reason to punish the boy for it. "i'm not gonna punish you, it was just something that happened. you did nothing wrong."

Deku looked confused. shigaraki would always punish him for muttering. it was a terrible and annoying thing that he couldn't help but do. why wasn't the hero hitting him or something. this was very strange and different.

deku began to scratch at his wrists, opening some of the wounds but hiding it from the heroes sight. if he wasn't gonna punish deku, he would punish himself. he should have known better than to mutter.

bakugo, who had somehow slept through the whole encounter, finally awoke. "huh?" he said, looking at Aizawa. why was he here. "well, usually i would give you detention for skipping class, but I'll let it pass this time. just don't do it again." Aizawa left, leaving an upset deku, and confused bakugo to themselves.

omg i totally forgot about this story. sorry the chapter isn't that great. it was kinda rushed. I really wanted to get this update to you guys. I forgot my computer when I went camping. I am so so so so sorry about the late update. I will try to make it up you y'all with another update as soon as possible. see ya soon and hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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