Ch. 22 "Broken"

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Third Person POV

(Damon walks into the barn and sees Bonnie collapsed on the floor. He immediately rushes over to her and kneels to check on her. She's gasping for breath and clearly very hurt. Unbeknownst to either of them, Kai is lurking just out of sight)

"Bonnie." Damon whispers


"Damon." Bonnie said "Hey." Damon smiles

(He strokes her hair just as Kai comes out of the shadows and joins them)


"How dumb are you? I deliver you a dying Bonnie Bennett on a silver platter and *woosh*-- right over your head." Kai said


"Damon?" Bonnie said having a hard time breathing,

(to Bonnie)

"You're okay." Damon said

"Damon..." Bonnie said gasping


"Uh, translation-- she's about to croak." Kai said sarcastically "Damon." Bonnie said (walks toward them)

"Of course, you don't have to help her. You could just walk away. She dies of collapsed lung, no blood on your hands, and you and Elena get to live the life you always dreamed of.And I get my sweet revenge for Jordan " Kai said

(Damon considers this for a moment, looking conflicted)

"Either way, you better act quick." Kai said "I'm so sorry, Bonnie." Damon said

(Bonnie looks confused and horrified as he leans forward and kisses her forehead. He lets go of her hand and she rolls to the other side, visibly betrayed by his actions. Damon walks away, leaving Bonnie and a very unsatisfied Kai behind)


"That's it? He just left you? The whole point was that this would torture him for a while. I mean, you'd think he'd at least flip a coin-- heads he picks you, tails he picks--" Kai said

(Suddenly, Damon vamp-speeds behind Kai and karate-chops his neck with his hand, severing his head from his body. Kai's head flies away, and Damon grins in satisfaction)

"Head's it is," Damon said

Jordan POV

I was on the trail of Kai's scent, I come to a barn and I hear talking,

"That's it? He just left you? The whole point was that this would torture him for a while. I mean, you'd think he'd at least flip a coin-- heads he picks you, tails he picks--" Kai I hear Kai,

I walk into the barn and see Damon in on swift swipe take Kai's head off,
I felt myself shatter right there, I felt the coyote take on fully I let it take control, I felt my eyes glow,

The pain was to overwhelming,

"Damon.." Bonnie said

Damon was standing over Bonnie, and he looks over at me,
"Jordan..?" He said

I fell to my knees looking at Kai's headless form, and I felt my bones start breaking, shifting, the emotions I was feeling were taking over,

I fell to my knees looking at Kai's headless form, and I felt my bones start breaking, shifting, the emotions I was feeling were taking over,

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This only happened one other time, and that's when I thought Nik died,

"Jordan?" Damon said carefully as I stood there in Coyote form baring my teeth,

I charged him tackling him to the ground,

"Jordan! Stop I don't want to hurt you!!" He said in a panic

I ended up biting him in the forearm before he throws me off of him,

I stood my ground, he looked shocked, he looked at his arm then at me, I never attacked Damon that it resulted in a bite, but this time I did,

I felt such pain knowing he took someone dear to my heart from me,
He quickly picked up Bonnie and rushed out of the Barn, I walked over to Kai's headless form pointing my nose to the sky and let out a broken howl,

Klaus POV

I was in New Orleans nursing a drink, Elijah was sitting Next to me, Kol was sitting with Davina and Rebekah and Freya were sitting on the couch,

I haven't heard from Jordan since two days ago it's making me anxious Jordan is one to always call me and let me know how things are,

If they are bad or good, she always lets me know of the situation, there was one time she never called and that was when she let her Coyote take over,

Coyote's are completely different than werewolves, WereCoyote's are unpredictable but when the Coyote takes control, it's bad, their blood lust could put ripper vampires to shame,

They don't hunt to survive, they hunt or the kill, nothing more, and when she becomes like that she becomes a danger not to just herself but others,

My phone ringing broke me out of my thoughts,
I see it's Stefan calling,

"Stefan what a pleasant surprise," I said

He started talking so fast I couldn't understand what he was saying like he was in pure panic,

"Slow down, what happened?" I asked

"Damon needs help.. Jordan bit him," Stefan said

I Stood up immediately Jordan is certainly rough around the edges, and who can blame her from what all she's been through,

But she doesn't bite a vampire without reason,

"What do you mean she bit him?" I said

My siblings looked at me with worry,

"Kai was about to kill Bonnie..." Stefan said choosing his words wisely
I knew where this was going, and I don't like it not one bit,

"Damon killed him, and the way Damon says, She-" Stefan began,

"Broke," I said

And that has two meanings to it, She became two overwhelmed she let the Coyote take over, but I need to be certain,

"Did he say what her eyes looked like?" I said

"Blue, with red around the pupils," Stefan said

"I'll be there in an hour," I said hanging up,

"Niklaus?" Elijah said

I turned around looking at him,

"I'm going back to Mystic Falls, It's Jordan," I said

"Were going with," Kol said

"She's let the Coyote take over," I said they all know what that means

"Then were definitely going with," Freya said

I nodded,

"Let's find our baby sister," Rebekah said

We all nodded leaving the house in New Orleans behind even if it was just for a little while,

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