your being quiet

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lauren and noah sat on the sand just inches away from each other as they watched the moons reflection shine on the water. there was silence between them that lauren was willing to break

"why are you being so quiet?"

"hm?" noah had been burying his feet in the sand before meeting her gaze

"your being quiet" she shifted her body to face the boy next to her "why is that?"

noah shrugged as he looked back down at his feet in the sand "as embarrassing as it is i don't know what to talk about"

as he finished his sentence a small smile appeared on lauren's face

"do you want me to give you a topic?"

noah looked up at her and thought about her offer for a second. soon enough he gave in and nodded

"alright. tell me a bit about yourself. your favorite season, food, color, maybe even your hogwarts house if you wanted to. stuff like that"

"alright" noah shifted his body towards lauren and crossed his legs "my favorite season is probably winter because i go on ski trips with my family almost every year, my favorite food is mac and cheese, my favorite color is yellow, and i'm a hufflepuff"

"great! now continue"


"keep going. tell me more"

"oh ok. let's see..oh chloe? the girl you met earlier? that's my twin sister"

"your a twin?" lauren seemed sort of shocked

"yeah people are always so surprised by that. i guess they expect us to be attached by the hip but honestly i think the reason i started crawling was to get away from her"

the two laughed in harmony and from this point on conversation came naturally. one topic easily lead to another and those topics lead to large amounts of laughter.

"look at them! they look so happy!" kenzie smiled as she jayden chloe and annie watched the two from the window

"get on over here jack! you know you wanna see this!" jayden signaled jack to come and accompany the girls at the window

with a smile he sat up from the couch and walked over to the window. now chloe, annie, kenzie, jack, and jayden stood in front of the window as they watched lauren and noah on their unofficial date.

"she makes him happy look at that!" jack cheered with a smile

"see i told you youd want to see this!" jayden said hitting his shoulder lightly

"hey guys how about we take a break from stalking our friends date?" asher asked as he sat at the kitchen island while looking at the mail from this morning

"now why would we do that?" kenzie asked while turning to asher

"don't you think it's a bit rude? maybe disrespectful?"

"well that might be how you view it"

"and how do you view it jayden?"

just before jayden could answer the doorbell rang

"i'll get it but i wanna hear your answer to thsi question later jay"

the other five stood at the window with their faces practically plastered against the glass as asher answered the door

"hey john what's up?" annie heard from the doorway causing her to turn around quickly

"well my sisters on a date as of right now and the house is sort of lonely so i thought i'd crash your party"

"some party your crashing" asher said while pointing to his friends at the window

annie turned her head quickly towards the window once asher and johnny's attention was brought to the cluster of friends

asher then opened the door wide enough for johnny to enter.

"don't mind the clutter on the counter. i was going through the mail"

"oh so i'd assume you got that party invitation?"

"invitation? to what?" asher asked as the two day at the kitchen island

"one of my buddys throws a party at his place every year and invites the whole town. ive only been maybe once or twice but for the most part it's pretty fun"

asher went through all his mail and saw an envelope from a name he's never heard before

"hayden summrall?"

"yup that's him. i wasn't planning on going this year but if you guys end up going i'll probably head over there as well"

"i mean you said it's fun right? plus it'd be a good idea to take a break from all this beckham road shit"

"your not wrong on that one"

"i guess i'll talk to the others about it later...once they stop creepily staring out that window of course"

wow it's been a while
sorry for not updating in a while i really haven't had motivation and in top of that school is absolutely kicking my ass
i'm actually supposed to be doing school work now but i'm obviously not doing that
procrastination is my enemy tbh

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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