Chapter 5

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I was stunned when I heard what Howl had just said! I mean taking the responsibility for being Marko's father. I mean deep down, I had always wanted Howl to be the father of all of my children, but I understood that he was just getting over Sophie, and lets face it, I am just his childhood friend. I quickly let go of Marko and pulled Howl aside real quick. "Howl, why would you do that, I mean, I was just going to say that his father passed away, I can't do that now, I don't want you to be the bad guy in this," I yelled/whispered. "(Y/N) you deserved to have a better tale than what actually happened, I want to make up for all the time I missed being with you. Will you please stay with us. I can't lose you again," Howl said back, his eyes full of sadness, fearing that I would reject his offer. I smiled at him and took both of his hands in mine, "Howl, I don't think I will be leaving any time soon, I just got back the most important man and boy back in my life. There is no way I would consider leaving now." His smile grew, and I was then wrapped in a pair of slender, yet still muscular arms. Howl was hugging me again, I returned his embrace and soon had a second pair of arms wrapped around me, Marko had come over and given me hug with Howl. "Well boys, you are stuck with me now, so if you don't mind, I think this place could use some tiding up," I said with a big smile.

(Mini time skip brought to you by the very scary Calcipher)

Both of the boys were very helpful in cleaning up the flying castle. While cleaning, I was finally able to meet the so called "very powerful fire demon" Calcipher. He absolutely cracked me up, I don't think I laughed so much since I left, but no matter how much I laughed, I was keeping my guard up around demons. Finally the cleaning was done. The place looked amazing, and now all of us were just outside relaxing. Howl and I were just sitting next to Calcipher talking while Marko was playing in the small garden area with a little white furred, brown spotted dog. Howl told me it was Madam Sulliman's dog. Hearing her name made me shutter, though she was my teacher, she was very strict, especially when it came to wizards and witches using magic for selfish purposes, and sadly in my eyes what I did was selfish. Trying to prevent being a demon's slave, wouldn't you do the same, don't deny it. Anyway I had changed out of my hood, pants, and shirt, and was currently wearing a simple (f/c) long dress, and let my hair down from its ponytail. It felt nice to just sit in the sun and feel the heat on my skin, not worrying about Chaos, or when my next meal will be, even where I will be sleeping at night. Howl offered me Sophie's old room since he said she wouldn't be coming back. Soon things grew quiet between Howl and myself, I turned to look at him, and was met with a pair of curious looking blue eyes.

Howl's POV

(Y/n) and I were just talking, but then I noticed he focus was no longer on our conversation, so I stopped talking and just stared at her, wondering what was going on in that beautiful head of hers. She then turned and I was met with a pair of beautiful (e/c) eyes. What happened next happened so quick, I placed my hand under (y/n)'s chin, tilted her face up to mine, and leaned down, until I felt (y/n)'s soft lips on mine. At first she didn't kiss back, and it hurt at first not feeling her do anything, and I was about to pull away, when I felt (y/n) wrap her arms around my neck, and start kissing me back. We moved our lips perfectly in motion together and I soon found myself wrapping my arms around (y/n)'s waist. It wasn't nothing to passionate, but it was enough for me to feel fireworks.

Back to (Y/N)

When I felt something soft on my lips, I didn't know what to think when I realized Howl was kissing me. WAIT A SECOND, HOWL IS KISSING ME! THIS IS AMAZING, THE GUY I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH SINCE WE STARTED SCHOOL IS NOW KISSING ME. When I felt that he was about to pull away, I quickly wrapped my arms around Howl's neck and kissed him back. After about a second Howl wrapped his arms around my waist, and I was so surprised that I couldn't move. I know I felt fireworks, mainly because it was my first kiss ever.

When we finally pulled a part, a sharp pain erupted in my arm, and worked all the way up my body. I saw the fear in Howl's face, and when he saw that I was gripping on my arm, he pulled my hand away and ripped open the sleeve, to reveal the demon mark reforming.

To be continued.....

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