Chapter 7

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I decided with in a few hours of just being with the boys that I didn't want to have any secrets, lies, or any problems between us, so I did what I felt was the right thing, I stood up from Howl's and my sitting position, walked to the corner where I found Marko hiding and eavesdropping. I picked him up, even though he protested, I brought him over to where Howl was, and held them both in my arms. "Marko, don't be mad at Howl or me for what I am about to tell you," I started. "Mom, I would never be mad at you or dad," he told us both. "That's just it, Howl isn't your birth dad. I wish it wasn't true, I really wish he was your birth dad, but I guess you deserve to hear the full story. You are my child yes, but your birth father, was sadly a cruel demon by the name of Chaos," I told him, and his face instantly dropped, and tears welled up in his eyes. Howl then continued as I held Marko in my arms," You see, (y/n) was my friend in school yes, but one day she up and left without a real reason, that's when I took out my heart because she was the only one I had ever cared for." I was ashamed of myself, but still managed to blush at his words. As Howl continued to tell our little story of letters, delivering Marko to Howl, and so on, Marko stopped crying, but was still holding on to me as if afraid I would leave him.

Time Skip

I had finally got the boys to believe me when I said I wouldn't leave them, and I was currently making some supper for all of us. What? Just because I was on the run from a demon, doesn't mean I don't know how to prepare a decent meal, sheesh. I was preparing something I had been craving forever, so it was (fav. meal with 2 fav. sides). All four of the boys were watering at the mouth, yes even Calipher was looking at the food with a longing look. "Where have you been all my life?!?!" all of them exclaimed, well except for the dog. I just smiled like the Cheshire cat. By the time dinner was done, there was no food left, and I literally meant it. We were completely out of food. Looks like tomorrow we are going to have to make a trip to the market.

Another time skip, brought to you by a full fire demon ;)

I was now getting Marko all tucked in and ready for bed. I placed a small kiss on his forehead and whispered," Marko, I love you with all my heart, I promise you that, that monster won't be able to lay one finger on you. Sweet dreams," as I sprinkled some of my magic over Marko, to give him sweet dreams only. I was now walking down to Sophie's old room to sleep, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, half expecting to see Marko, but to my surprise Howl had stopped me. "(Y/N), you don't have to sleep in Sophie's room if you don't want to," he paused for a minute," you can sleep in my room with me if you would like," he finished, turning away so he could hide his blush. He is so stinking adorable when he blushes. "Howl aren't you being a little forward," I said as I tried to tease him. The look of shock on his face about killed me. I was laughing uncontrollably at his reaction. "Howl, I was only teasing! I don't mind sharing a bed as long as you don't mind sharing with me," I explained. He turned back to me with a small smile, and a tint of pink in his cheeks," I don't mind sharing, as long as its with you," he told me. I kissed his cheek, but what he did next caught me off guard, he picked me up bridal style and brought me to his beautiful room, with all his shining decorations. He laid me down and crawled in to bed right next to me. Before turning to me, he quickly shut his bedside dresser door, and pulled me into a nice embrace. "Good night my love, I will see you in the morning," he whispered. "Howl, what was in the dresser?" I asked. "You will just have to wait and find out," he said with a smirk on his lips. With that I groaned, rolled over and fell asleep with my back against Howl's chest.

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