Chapter Twenty- Eight

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*Short Chapter*


It's been a week and for the most part, I feel pretty good. Rainy has been nothing but good to me. My leg has been pretty good too, I have still been going to my physical therapy sessions with Rainy with me. We were in the living room catching, the Devil's Advocate on tv. I was laying across Rainy's lap and she was rubbing her hands through my hair.

"Rainy, you know that the fair is coming to town right?" I asked looking at her. She licks them pretty lips and looks down at me. "Actually yes, it's starts tomorrow afternoon. You know that you cannot do a lot of screaming?" She said.

"I can still moan though." I said as I laughed at her expression.

"Oh gosh!! You make me sick already move, get off of me." She said blushing.

"Noo..! I'm comfortable please don't move. I have a question and be honest." I said.

I turned over and held my head on my arm. She looked into my eyes and kept looking away.

" Why can't you look at me, come on. I won't bite unless you ask." I said as she turned back, looking at me smiling.

"Rainy, for the longest I realized a lot. I really wanted to know you for you and it was like I felt blind sided by Angela for a moment. And at the end of the day I felt bad. When I was in that hospital again. I felt so bad when Janet told me you were in there too. I almost felt like it was my fault for putting you through all of this but then it hit me. You mean so much to me and I wanted to ask you but I don't know how to ask." I said.

" What do you want to ask Michael?" She asked.

" Will you be my girl. I know that everything isn't processed yet with the divorce even though they are signed. I want you and only you. " I said.

" But Michael what if-" she started.

" I want us to start this slow. And I have already made plans for us to go out of town." I said.

" Do what?" She asked.

"We are heading out of town, for a vacation. You want to go to Paris, France with me. And we can start a new Chapter together?" I asked.

"Let me guess the Eiffel tower?" She said with a smile.

"Anything you want baby. Will you be my girl?" I asked.

"Yes.. I will Michael." She said and that same beautiful smile formed across her face.

I get up off of her lap and sit close to her. I patted my lap, motioning her to come sit. She giggled and climbed across to sit down. "Am I too heavy?" She asked me.

"Please.. if your an elephant I would scream but you are perfect!" I said and I smacked her ass. She smacked me back in my arm.

"I had the right now to pop your ass baby.. you know this!" I said smiling.

I curved my hands up her back, traveling to her neck. My hands lightly caressed her cheek as we dived into a precious kiss. Biting a the small of her bottom lip, sent a small moaned coming from her mouth. Resting her forehead against mine a rest drew us closer than ever.

"Michael, I love you." She said.

"Rainy, I love you too." I said.

End of Chapter ❤️❤️
Let me know what you think in the comments below..❤️❤️

Spicy details.. next maybe.. hehe!!

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