Chapter Forty-Five

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It is now february and it was time for me and Michael to head down to the doctors to see what the gender of the baby. We were driving down the long winding roads and Michael had been nervous all day. We never came up with any names yet for either gender, we agreed that we would pick one once we knew. I looked at Michael and he would not stop looking at my direction smiling. "You okay baby?" I asked as I reached out for his hand. 

"Hehe, yes, its just that this is the first time ever, for this. I'm so nervous." he said and I completely understood. Michael still had his sweet side and his sensitive side in him. He had conversations with Janet pretty much everyday and with the help of her, the maids and her husband, things have been going pretty well. 

Michael stayed up with me pretty much every night the cravings came and I stayed up with him as much as I could once the cravings hit him, it was funny. After the thirty minute drive, we parked in the the vacant parking lot and Michael hopped out cheesing. He just couldn't help himself as he opened my door. "Baby, please don't squeeze my hand this time." I said as I grabbed his hand and he helped me out of the car. "I got you baby, I promise." He said. We walked together to the building, I had make he was calm by rubbing his hand with my free hand. He looked at me and cheesed his pearly whites. 

"I promise." He said. I looked at him and giggled, "I know baby. I got you." I said as we walked in side to check in. Once we checked in with the nurse, the doctor came in right on time. "Rainy Artis? Michael Jackson?" he said as we stood up and walked towards the back. Him and Michael shooks hands as we headed the room. I took off my coat, revealing my six month pregnant belly. Michael takes my coat and held on to it, while sitting next to me. 

"Okay so, mommy how are we doing. You are right on time at six months. And along with your record of two miscarriages. Have you been under any stress or pressure?" He asked and I shook my head, "No sir, I have been taking it easy. No stress, the baby kicks and the cravings are between normal and mid high." I spoke. 

"Any bleeding or unusual pains in the stomach, vomiting blood or blood in your stool?" he asked. And I shook my head, "No everything has been normal sir." I said as He nodded. "Okay, I will check your blood pressure." he said as he pulled out his stethoscope and checked my heart rhythm. Then he does the same for my stomach.

"Blood pressure is good, now. Lets get the sonogram shall we?" He said. He dimmed the lights and applied the cold ass jelly on my stomach. I relaxed and breathed. Michael grabbed my hand this time gently we looked to the screen, he moved the small object across my stomach revealing a shape. "Okay so here is the head, we re going to moved across to see.. ehh." We watched closely but I feel Michael's hand tighten just a little bit. 

"Okay here's the outline of the heart here and I am going to turn the volume up just a little bit," He said as we hear the small beating of a heart and he takes a few snaps of it, the print outs came sliding through. "Okay now let's see what your are.." He said Then the baby moves to one side of my stomach and the doctor follows. "And this line right here, we appear to have a boy here." The doctor said. "Holy shit!!" Michael said as he closed his eyes in his hands. "Michael your going to have a son." I said. 

"No, baby its us.. we are going to have a son." Michael said as tears creeped around the sides of his eyes and so did my own. "And he is a healthy boy at that, you should be due around June. Do you need a extra hand with anything?" He asked. I shook my head no. One thing is for sure that I knew we had everything we needed and Janet couldn't stop raving about the baby shower that she wanted to have at Michaels. 

After the doctor's check up, me and Michael left the doctor's office. Michael let's go out my hand only to jump for joy. "This is the most excited day I ever had, baby. We are going to be the best parents in the world." He said as I laughed. 

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