Chapter 16

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Lila smiled sweetly at Nino before looking over his shoulder to see Marinette holding an adorable puppy that had awakened a couple of minutes ago.

"Excuse me Nino, but let me help the poor little guy before Marinette hurts him like she does when she bullies me," Lila said with fake tears in her eyes all the girls immediately started to reassure her that Marinette would never hurt them.

Marinette just glared at her use to be friends, her blood boiled when Lila said that she would hurt this little guy like she did to her, when she had never laid a hand on her all she's ever done was point out her lies and the obvious holes in the story, but know one believed her.

Marinette just ignored the liar and took Toffee with her up to her room and let the little guy sleep. She could hear all the yells from her classmates. That the puppy was going to be hurt by her. But something that got her to smile was the fact that Adrien, Nino and Madame Bustier stood up to her and said to be careful of what they say or they could get sent home. She had forgotten how she could send them home at any second.

Stack of files (had to at least add one picture)

 She walked over to her desk and saw the stack of case files she had open except a file that started with the F was before A , that was odd very odd her files were always alphabetically placed

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 She walked over to her desk and saw the stack of case files she had open except a file that started with the F was before A , that was odd very odd her files were always alphabetically placed.  So how did F get on top? She opened the file and to her surprise it was everything on the fire stone the very thing that had gone missing earlier that day.

"Did Nino or I leave this out from before? Or has someone been here?" She asked her self unsure of what happened, this was another reason she suspected Lila, she could have touched the files and done something, the worst thing was that they didn't know her end game.

Hey guys,

Sorry for the wait and that its short. I was fixing up mistakes in all of the first few chapters anyway, I just spent changing Marionette to Marinette because of autocorrecting. Thank you to @Puppyloverfan and  @MLBSSPJOFAN for telling me about these spelling mistakes.

What do you think of the chapter? Also would you guys like a one-shot book with lots of different ships, crossover, and all that. Comment if you want me to make a book like that. 

Today while I was writing this I watched my first episode  of 'Victorious' it was really good and I had an idea what if I make a new book where Lila's lies get so bad Marinette leaves to Hollywood and changes her name to Jade west, then continue with the story but a year after she joins her old class come for an exchange program and are shocked to see the pink, sweet girl dressed in black with a completely different attitude. 

Also thank you to my first two followers and I am also very surprised, that I actually have followers and to see this book got 1.2K reads, means a lot guys, thank you. Stay safe.

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