Bonus 1

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This bonus chapter was requested by x-cosmos thank you for the wonderful idea.

As the plane landed the only thing on Lila's mind was what would her mother think, the entire time she had been ignored by her classmates and they wouldn't listen to a word she said but that was fine.

All that mattered was smoothing things out with her mother and making her seem like the victim instead of Marinette. If only she could have kept her mouth shut she could have had everything she deserved.

Modelling for Gabriel Agreste and dating Adrien, the two would probably have got married and she would live the rich lifestyle happily, but no Marinette couldn't have kept her mouth shut.

As she grabbed her back she walked to the airport exit where she saw her mother on the phone with someone, as she walked closer she heard her saying she would call them back later.

The second her mother saw her you could see the disappointment on her face, "come," was all she said and Lila followed her to the car in silence,

As soon as they got into the car Lila opened her mouth to say something, "don't even try and fool me I already know about everything" she said putting on her seat belt.

"To think when they first told me I defended you saying that you would never do such a thing but now I was shown more than enough evidence to say that I don't even know who you are anymore Lila" Mrs Rossi said her eyes on the road.

At that moment Lila had found her hands quite interesting, "I also talked with the school board, your principal, Mr Agreste, and Mr Wayne." She said Lila was surprised why Mr Wayne would talk to her mother.

"The school board has fired your principal and the Waynes are suing him, for letting you get away with such unbelievable lies." Mrs Rossi hadn't taken her eyes off the road; she could barely look at her daughter.

"Mr Agreste, has terminated your contract at Gabriel, Mr Wayne has had a restriction order (Is that what it's called my mind went blank and I can't remember) placed on you to stay away from Ms Dupain Cheng." she said, stopping at a red light.

"The school board suggested a number of good boarding schools, and to get you to see a psychologist and I have decided to send you to a boarding school in Italy, you will be staying under your father and grandmother's care" she said simply.

"Every week you'll see a psychologist twice a week and after school each day you will be working a job to pay off your lawsuit. You leave for Italy in a week, don't even try anything. I'm so disappointed in you Lila" she said as they reached their apartment complex.

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