The Beginning

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In the limo Fuyuhiko noticed the tear on princess Misaki's face soo he got up from his seat and sat next to her he patted her back and said "Please don't cry it'll be alright your parents did what was best for you " Fuyuhiko said with a smile. "I guess you're right" said a sniffling Misaki. Fuyuhiko chuckled as he moved back to his seat sighed and closed his eyes and remembered his sons reaction to the deal he made when the Takahashi family last week.

.......................(Flashback of last week)..........................

Fuyuhiko just got back from the Takahashi kingdom with the documents the king and queen signed and was about to go to the dining room for dinner. Once he got to the dining room and Akihiko and Haruhiko were already seated he took his seat and said "Sorry for being late". "So father where have you been" said Haruhiko with supposition on his face "Yeah father what were you doing" said Akihiko with the same look on face as Haruhiko. "Well if you must know I was at the Takahashi kingdom" Fuyuhiko said smirking "Father you didn't" said Haruhiko and Akihiko at the same time with a shocked look on both their faces. "Yes I did you see the The king and queen agreed to the deal and said she can stay for a year but if she doesn't fall in love with one of you when the year is over she must immediately go home" said Fuyuhiko with a smile. "But father you didn't have to do that" shouted Haruhiko and Akihiko at the same time "No I didn't have to but think of it this way one of you will get a wonderful wife if you play your cards right" said Fuyuhiko with a smirk on his faceHaruhiko and Akihiko gasped at what their father said. "You mean I could get princess Misaki to be my wife" said Haruhiko with a surprised look on his face "No you mean I could get princess Misaki my wife" Akihiko snarled then Akihiko and Haruhiko gave each other death stares. "Alright you two no fighting especially at the dining table" said Fuyuhiko with an annoyed look on his face then Haruhiko and Akihiko stopped the death stares. Then said at their father when he cleared his voice and was about to say something. " I know you two are in love with princess Misaki and now's it's our chance for one of you two to win her heart and marry her now consider this a competition for her hand in marriage" said a smirking Fuyuhiko. Haruhiko and Akihiko nodded and said " When is princess Misaki coming" they said with a serious look " I gave her one week to stay at their castle then next week she starts living with us until next year " Fuyuhiko said. "Just you see Akihiko she will be mine shouted Haruhiko with a serious look "Yeah right Haruhiko if anyone will marry her it will be me Akihiko shouted back with the same look as Haruhiko then they eventually death stared each other Fuyuhiko chuckled and then finished his meal.

       ......................(End of flashback)..........................

Fuyuhiko chuckled which caused Misaki to stare and "Are you alright" "Yes yes I'm fine" said Fuyuhiko who just snapped back in reality. Then they both heard the driver up front say "Your Majesty were at your castle" Fuyuhiko replied "Yes yes very good" Fuyuhiko said while sitting up the limo pulled up to the main gates and then the main gates opened and to Misaki's amazement she looked out the window and saw the castle. (looks like the front cover of this characters) she had had excitement In her eyes Fuyuhiko saw this and chuckled as the car came to a stop the driver went out his door to the door for Misaki and Fuyuhiko while some servants of the castle stood outside and started unloading princess Misaki's luggage. "As Fuyuhiko and Misaki got out of the limo Misaki said "Wow look how big your castle is" she said with sparkles in her eyes as she got out of the limo. " Yes and it's yours temporarily " Fuyuhiko said with a smirk. " Misaki sighed and "I know" as she started to walk up the stairs as they both walked in the castle they were greeted by Fuyuhiko's secretary Makoto then Makoto said " Oh you must be princess Misaki I'm Makoto Sakagami anything you need you can tell me right away" she said with a smile. "Yes Ma'am" said Misaki "Please call me Makoto" said Makoto "okay" said Misaki "Please call me Misaki with a smile . " Makoto please show Princess Misaki around the castle" said Fuyuhiko "Please call me Misaki" said Misaki with a smile "Alright Misaki" said Fuyuhiko "Please follow me Misaki " Makoto said while standing to walk away. "Yes Makoto" said Misaki with curiosity.

After showing Misaki the whole castle Misaki and Makoto arrived at Misaki's new bedroom the luggage was already packed into the dresser, and  the walk in closet. "Wow is this room mine" said Misaki while smiling and running around the room with curiosity Makoto giggled and said " Yes this room is yours so is there anything you need". Misaki suddenly yawned and said " I'm a bit tired" Misaki said with another yawn. "Yes Misaki please take a nap you've come a long way and you need your rest" said Makoto while Misaki got into bed and under the covers ". Ok" said Misaki when she was about to take a nap. "I'll wake you up when it's time for dinner" said Makoto with a smile "Yes please do" Misaki said as she closed her eyes to sleep and then Makoto walked out the door.

     ................. Meanwhile in Fuyuhiko's office..............

  Fuyuhiko was typing on his laptop when the door flew open and both his sons was in the door way Fuyuhiko sighed and closed his laptop then said "Don't you know how to knock" while pinching his nose. "That's not the point !!! " said Haruhiko and Akihiko at the same time "We heard the whole castle saying that princess Misaki is here is it true!!! " shouted Haruhiko and Akihiko. Fuyuhiko smirked and said " Yes it's true " while still smirking both Haruhiko and Akihiko gasped and blushed at the same time. " Where is she !!!" the both of them shouted again just as the door opened again with Makoto in the door way. Then Fuyuhiko mumbled to himself "Doesn't anyone knock" he sighed again. Then Haruhiko and Akihiko rushed to Makoto and said "where is princess Misaki" they both again yelled at the same time "She's asleep in the her bedroom she was tired so she took a nap". "Very good Makoto" said Fuyuhiko Haruhiko and Akihiko stopped there with blank expressions. "Don't worry you two Misaki will be woken up by dinner time so please be patient " said Makoto with a smile Haruhiko and Akihiko sighed then said "Fine" and left the room. Makoto giggled and said " Your a lucky father" Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes and said " You have no idea" then he opened his laptop and continued his work.

  .................................3 hours later...............................

Saki...Misaki...Misaki! Misaki gasped as she shot up from bed and wiped her eyes she say Makoto and said "what time is it" while yawning. "It's 6 o'clock Misaki " said Makoto with a smile "And it's almost dinner time so you should get dressed in your dining gown " she said still smiling "Ok I'll get dressed" said Misaki getting up from the bed.

.............................20 minutes later.................................. Misaki is walking to the dining room with Makoto as they arrived in the dining room Fuyuhiko got up from his seat walked over to Misaki and said " Come have a seat " he said while seating Misaki in a chair " Thank you" said Misaki. Haruhiko and Akihiko just sat there and stared at Misaki which made Misaki nervous then Misaki smiled at Haruhiko and Akihiko and said " Hello I'm princess Misaki but please call me Misaki" she said with a bit of nervousness. Haruhiko and Akihiko quickly snapped out of it Haruhiko then said " I'm prince Haruhiko but you can call me whatever you want" he said smiling. Then Akihiko said "I'm prince Akihiko you can call me whatever you want to" he said smiling to. "Well not that Misaki is introduced to everyone now  let's eat" said Fuyuhiko while sitting at the head of the table.

  ...............................(After dinner)..................................

Makoto walked Misaki back to her room then once they got to Misaki's bedroom while Misaki was talking a bath Makoto was picking out Misaki's night gown. Once Misaki was out of the tub and dry she put the night gown on Misaki and tucked her in the bed and as she walked out she turned off the lights and said "Good night" as she walked out the door and closed it. Misaki who was still in bed sighed and sat up to get out of bed she went to her suitcase she took out a picture of her with her parents and Takahiro when they all were in their castle garden. Then she took out Kimi her plush doll Kimi was a gift that was gift to her when she was born. Misaki went back to the bed understand the comforters and kissed the picture then Misaki said "Good night mother , good night father , good night ni~san. T hen she put the picture on the side table next to the lamp on her right side then Misaki  picked up Kimi and gave her a hug and said softly. " This isn't the end for me it's just the beginning " then Misaki put her head on the huge pillow then whispered "This isn't the ending it's just the beginning" then Misaki fell asleep.

                             End of chapter 6

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