The Plan

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Fuyuhiko was sleeping hardly so hardly he didn't know it was time to wake up for him to do his job.

Tanaka opened the blinds on the window Fuyuhiko groaned "Good morning your majesty" said Tanaka with a smile Fuyuhiko stared at him blankly and then tugged his comforter over his head.Tanaka rolled his eyes and tugged the comforter off of Fuyuhiko and said "time to get up now" he said with annoyance in his voice "Fine" said Fuyuhiko while getting off his bed .

Fuyuhiko was getting dressed then he said "Please send someone to wake up Haruhiko and Akihiko".  "Yes your majesty" said Tanaka

Meanwhile in Akihiko's bedroom Akihiko was sleeping.

...........................In Akihiko's dream................................ Akihiko was in a dark place there was no light but when he looked around he saw a Big brown door with curiosity he opened the door and then suddenly the room became filled with light and in the door there she stood princess Misaki with her hands crossed on her gown and her heart stopping smile. She opened her like she wanted a hug and said "Usami san" with her cute voice Akihiko smiled and ran to Misaki with his arms open and then he ran to her and scooped her up in his arms bridal style and spinner around with her in his arms and both fell on a marigold flower field they both laughed then they both turned to their side to look at each other right then they they moved closer to each other to kiss

..................................End of dream.................................

Hiko.....Akihiko....Akihiko Akihiko shot up from bed and looked around the room rapidly to realize that what he dreamt was a dream he was really annoyed that Tanaka woke him up from a wonderful dream.  Good morning prince Akihiko it's time to get up your father want you at the dining room to eat breakfast Akihiko groaned as he got up to get dressed while Tanaka went out the door to wake up Haruhiko.

Meanwhile in Haruhiko's bedroom Haruhiko was asleep

............................In Haruhiko's dream............................

Haruhiko was in the Castles garden maze he was confused but the he heard a girl saw Haruhikoooo. It  sounded like it was coming from the center of the maze he running through the maze when he heard Haruhikooo he ran as fast as he could when he heard another Haruhikooo when he reached the center there she was princess Misaki on swing on tree with a dandelion puff in her hand she blew the puff in Haruhiko's direction. He blushed madly as she got of the swing opened her arms and said Haruhikooo he ran to her and took her arms and they spun around till they stopped and Misaki leaned in for a kiss.

.................................End of dream.................................... Hiko....Haruhiko....Haruhiko Haruhiko opened his eyes and got up and looked around the rapidly to see if princess Misaki. But he soon realized that he dreamt of princess Misaki so he sighed and turned to see Tanaka then he rolled his eyes then he said " what is it Tanaka" with annoyance in his voice. It's time to get up your father requests you go to the dining room for breakfast Tanaka said with a smile

"Okay tell him I'll be there after I'm dressed he said while getting dressed Haruhiko" said "yes Haruhiko" Tanaka said while closing the door behind him when he left.

..............................At the dining room..............................

Haruhiko and Akihiko just arrived at the dining they both saw they father at the head of the table so they both took their seats then the head chef came in an said today for breakfast you will have Natto with steamed rice on top, aburaage, miso soup with oolong tea while the other chefs brought out the food. They gave the three of them their food and left while the three were eating Fuyuhiko said after breakfast come to my office immediately he said finishing his breakfast and left the two were confused be continued their meal.

On there way to their father's the two thought at the same time what's going on finally they reached their fathers office.

Fuyuhiko heard a knock

Knock Knock Knock

"Who is it" said Fuyuhiko "it's us father" Haruhiko and Akihiko the two said at the same time "oh yes come in" said Fuyuhiko the door opened with the two outside "take a seat" said Fuyuhiko the two stepped in and sat in the chair in front of their fathers desk. "What do you need father" said Haruhiko "Yeah father what do yo want" said Akihiko both of them looked concerned. You see it's about princess Misaki Haruhiko and Akihiko blushed at the same time and started thinking about their dreams last night. Fuyuhiko noticed you and smirked thinking he knew what they were blushing about. (They were blushing and thinking about princess Misaki he said in his head.) "It's high time you two settle down" said Fuyuhiko Haruhiko and Akihiko rolled their eyes and sighed "But father" they both said at the same time but were interupted. You didn't let me finish said a smirking Fuyuhiko "I'm thinking of engaging one of you to princess Misaki" Fuyuhiko said with a smile Haruhiko and Akihiko gasped but in their hearts they were overjoyed they both thought of a married life with princess Misaki they both had smiles on their face.

Fuyuhiko then said I will try to convince the king and queen of the Takahashi kingdom to arrange a marriage with one of  you Fuyuhiko said with a smile

"Arrange the marriage with me" !!!!! yelled Akihiko "No arrange the marriage with me" !!!!! yelled Haruhiko they two gave each other a death stare this amused Fuyuhiko. "Alright you two enough I'll discuss this decision with the Takahashi family now you two can leave still giving each other death stares they both left. Fuyuhiko leaned back in his chair and said "so my to sons are in love with princess Misaki this should be entertaining" he smirked again.

Meanwhile outside still giving each other death stares Haruhiko and Akihiko stood there staring each other do then Haruhiko said you better forget it princess Misaki is as good as mine Haruhiko said smirking "No way she will be mine" Akihiko said smirking. They both said at the same time "You better stay from her because she's mine" !!!!!!!!

................................End of chapter 4................................

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