》Chapter 3 《

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Once we got out of the capital we traveled in silence. Dream took the lead with me a few steps behind him. We traveled through a thick forest. The only sounds were the normal sounds of nature and our horses. After a few minutes I decided to awkwardly break the silence. "So... I have to ask. Why did you chose me to come with you? I thought you generally disliked anyone who associates with Tommy."

"You were the least annoying besides Wilbur- and we both know he wouldn't have allowed me to go alone." He said simply, not even looking my way. 'Oh... that makes a lot more sense.' We slipped back into silence. He didn't seem keen on talking, which kinda fits what I know about him. This was going to be a long trip...

》Time Skip and some Dreamspire lore before we get into it《

(Time for a quick history lesson- Dreamspire was the first 'human' civilization that separated themselves from the peaceful lives of the villagers before the first Pillager war. This ancient society used a quite different way to pick their rulers. They take the strongest and most intelligent child of the age of 7 to be the next ruler, hand chosen by the current ruler and renamed to Dream. To become Dream is the highest honor you can get, and the child's parents are cared for until the day they die. Each leader must be publicly be known as Dream. Only their most trusted may know their real name. The mask is the Dreamspire equivalent to a crown- but the expression is genuinely unique to the Dream that wears it. Although our current Dream wears a small and simple golden crown as well. Alright back to the story)


We had traveled for a few days now. And Dream wasn't that bad- he's just was very silent and observasive. The mask made it hard to read his expression too- but you learned how to pick up his general vibe to tell what he seemed to portray- not always acurate but I try.

The Sun had just risen after traveling all night but we finally reached Salty Harbor, a big fishing town at the very edge of Dreamspire territory and into the unclaimed/uninhabited lands that separated us from our future allies.

We rented a place to sleep and keep our horses for the day. I was taking off the saddle bag and inspecting McRibs for cracks when I heard some soft footsteps near my stable door. I turn around to see a small boy. I couldn't see much of him, he was just barely peaking over the stable door. But from what I could tell he had almost impossibly fluffy brown hair and wide, curious brown eyes. I waved shyly.

He took this as a sign of welcoming because he grabbed something to stand on- probably a small stool because when he came back into view his shoulders were now in view. He didn't even wait before speaking, "Is that a sk- skel- Skelly horse? I heard those were so cool!"

I smiled, "Yeah, he was accidentally left out in a lightning storm. Half scared me to death when I went to go exercise him only to find living remains running at me." He made a little 'Ooooooo' sound as he stared at my horse- it was adorable.

"Do... do you want to pet him? He doesn't bite...right bud?" The living pile of bones neighed in agreement. As if he couldn't get cuter the child beamed. "R-really!? That would be totally cool!" The child slowly reached his hand out to pet McRibs- who happily stretched his neck for pets. I watched fluffy haired child pat his nose. As this exchange happened voices were entering the stables. "I swear I'm going to attach him to a rope if he runs off again-"

Three people walked into the stable- one very tall and concerned looking women with very long and impossibly fluffy white hair walked in- she wore a captain's hat and jacket. There was another, smaller woman walked in with dark brown hair with dyed storm grey ends. She looked concerned as well as nervous. The third one was the most surprising to see with the two- for it was Dream himself.

Hey y'all- I'm so sorry for taking forever to post- I've been a bit lost on how I wanted this chapter to go and then school kept me very busy- plus I'm moving across the country so I've been having to deal with that but I FINALLY got this done. I'm not 100% happy with how it turned out but I just needed to get this out. I'm sorry again for not posting anything and I hope everyone has a great Day/Night!

-A very sorry Storm

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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