34. A Win

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Two days after their visit to the nursing home, Seonghwa's uncle called him in the evening. Seonghwa was lying on the couch with Hongjoong snuggled in the arm while they watched a movie about a witch that they barely paid attention to. They had been busy with each other's lips for the largest portion of the movie, and when the phone rang with the theme song of Zootopia, Hongjoong whined into Seonghwa's mouth with displeasure.

As Seonghwa pressed an apologetic kiss to his lips and pulled back with a wet noise, Hongjoong blinked his eyes open. Pouting, he watched Seonghwa dig for his phone and put it to his ear.

"Hello? Ah, uncle, it's you. Is this about grandma?" Seonghwa leaned his head against Hongjoong's and put on the speaker. These matters interested both of them the same.

The voice over the phone sounded exasperated. Curious, Hongjoong snuggled against Seonghwa and listened without making a noise.

"It is. Seonghwa, did she say anything about this beforehand? Suddenly she wants to move homes, this comes right out of the blue!" Hongjoong could imagine the man gesturing wildly while he explained. He was agitated, though Hongjoong doubted he experienced the same type of abuse as Seonghwa while spending time with that woman once.

"She told me she disliked that facility in particular and wanted to try a different one," Seonghwa replied truthfully. He didn't mention the inconvenience she had become to him, as expected.

His uncle muttered under his breath. Hongjoong picked up something about being picky and business.

"Damn it. I'll try out the one at the other end of the city for her, maybe she likes that one more. I hope it won't be too much of an inconvenience for you to drive there for an hour longer."

When Seonghwa breathed in and out slowly in preparation, Hongjoong gently squeezed his hip. Seonghwa had tensed up in their embrace, and Hongjoong countered with more softness to make up for it.

"Actually, I was going to take this as my opportunity to get out of this deal. I talked to her, and she told me she would prefer someone who isn't gay to drop by from time to time. Making the time was hard already, too."

Hongjoong knew Seonghwa could make the time. Once the man cared, he would give up his whole personal life to supply. But not for that woman. Proud, Hongjoong pressed a little kiss against his neck. Seonghwa rewarded him with a tight smile.

"For real? I can't even be mad at you, her opinions on homosexuals are deep-rooted. God, I will have to talk this through with the nurses. Maybe she is fine with your cousin calling her from time to time. She is absolutely enamoured by the little one."

Relief seeped into Seonghwa's shoulders for being heard finally. For a moment, Hongjoong feared his boyfriend would turn into a puddle and flow away into freedom. His grip tightened, silent glee passing between the two of them.

"As long as you stick close, sure. You wouldn't want your kid to pick up certain beliefs of hers." His protectiveness reached out even beyond his duty to care. Warmed by his compassion, Hongjoong closed his eyes again. He basked in listening to Seonghwa's relaxed voice.

"This will be a hassle. I wanted to ask you to help, but since you are busy protecting an entire city, I won't. You're welcome."

Seonghwa giggled, some tension evaporating into the air with the sound.

"I'm not protecting an entire city by myself, I am not that great," he reminded with a smirk tugging on his lips. His uncle gave a dismissive scoff.

"Then you still have to work on that, you hero. Thanks for taking care of her until now, though. I'll figure something out and leave you out of the planning."

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