Bunos!: character review:

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Profile one:

Name: Akita shouta (past )

Age: 13

Hair: Black

Eyes:golden yellow

-Family -REAL -

Father: Unknown

Job: Singer, idol

Status: died

Mother: unknown

Job: Singer, idol

Status: died

Brother: Aoi shouta

Job: idol, voice actor

Status: alive

Like: anime, manga, otome games, KHR, cross dressing

Dislike: being weak, bother to other people, fake people, people use other to get what they want,

Personality: Emotionless and cold towards other people, nice to her brother

Friends: none

History: akira parents died in fire because of antia fun... when she was five and.her brother ten years old.they where taken by there aunt ... her brother become an idol after two years ...in they left there aunt house they live in there on... a year after her broker become known and Akita was kidnapped by one of person want the money of her brother... her brother save her but take some injuries she thought that her fault... since then she wanted to be strong... she train every day if her brother is not around... she was use in different kinds of pain like electricity, wounds, cuts, and etc.

Profile two:

Name :akira kozato (present )

Age: 11(she become younger in khr world )

Hair: light brown

Eyes: reddish

Flames: all kinds of flames but usually use white flame Or I say rainbow colors! ( lol)she also have night flames if she's angry or.go  berserk

Weapon :(3)katana long, stick, chains, string. Immortal key

Family's: shaman, and vongola

-family -adapted -

Father: Mr.kozato

Job: previous head of shaman

status: alive ( before the the accident )dead (after accident )

Mother: Mrs.kozato

Job: fusion disignner

Status: alive ( before the the accident )dead (after accident )

Brother(same age ): enma kozato

Job:shaman decimo

Status: alive

Sister(younger) : mami kozato

Like: every one (except Julia or daemon )

Dislike: mukuro, deamon, Julie ( sometimes )

Personality: cheerful , happy go lucky, friendly, emotionless sometimes...

Friends: Emma, his guardian(except Julie only little ), tsuna his guardian and L.I.N.

History: Akita forget every memories she have in the real world... she was adapted in kozato family being a new member...([A/N: am going to put more info next time!!! ]

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