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It had all started long ago, when a legend had entered our world.

Several years ago

A woman was walking down to her home, she looks to be around 19, very well near 20 years of age. Had long green hair, a well developed body and looked very beautiful, she had recently been on a date and little to say it didn't go so well.

"That's the seventh date this month... I don't know what went wrong. I made sure I dressed nice, I was polite, I didn't rush anything. Yet he said it wasn't going to work" she sighed, then had looked ahead to her apartment. once reaching her unit the woman decided to head to bed. "Maybe... maybe I'm not meant to love anyone..." before she could let the thought sink in she noticed a flicker of light in the hallway, the woman then saw an electric spark in the air. Which had sparked more before turning into a portal, surprising her, she then noticed a silhouette in it and saw it was starting to grow larger and larger.

She backed away out of fear, not knowing if this was a villain or a friend, then out of no where a person had been flung out. A young man, the same age as her actually, he had short brown hair, a well muscled physique and oddly a bizarre looking watch on his left arm. "Oww that hurts, last time I help test an invention with Blukic and Driba" he grunted. Then winced as he held his arm, which looked mildly burned "oh my are you okay?" The female asked concerned, he looked back to her and blushed "oh uh... yeah, just a small burn, I've been through worse" he said standing up.

"I'll be fine" he was about to head back into the portal before the woman stopped him while carrying a first aid kit. "Wait, you shouldn't let that go on, at least let me help you" she said, she genuinely did want to help this person out. Even if she didn't know him at all, she felt compelled to do so, and knew he had a good heart. "W-well..." he muttered, blushing a bit still as he pulled on his collar with his uninjured hand "I guess it's okay" the young man then sat next to her as she applied a lotion to his arm and began bandaging it.

"Thanks by the way, my name's Ben, Ben Tennyson" Ben introduced smiling at her, looking up she saw his smile. It was nice and she could sense the kindness in him, she also noticed he attractive he was too, blushing herself she smiled back and replied "y-you're welcome, my name's Inko Midoriya" she introduced.

An awkward silence kept as she treated his burn, then Ben decided to break the ice "so... you single?" He asked, mentally berating himself over what he had just done. 'Nice job Tennyson! Now you sound like a creep! Next you'll go asking if she wants to get to second base!' He thought. The question made Inko blush, but she gulped and responded back "w-well, yea I am single... you willing to mingle?" She joked and winked. Then berated herself as well 'what the actual heck Inko?! Has Mitsuki been rubbing off on me?! Why the hell did I ask that?! Am I that desperate for love?! Great he probably thinks I'm weird now!' She thought.

"Uh... well... if you... I uh... mmm..." the two of them kept on stuttering. Then had decided to stay silent in order to avoid anymore embarrassment, this had only gone on for a few seconds though before the two had accidentally kissed each other. Then had down it again on purpose, before going deeper.

Eventually Ben did end up asking if she wanted to hang out some time, these hang outs eventually turned into dates.

A few years later

The legend and his beloved had then grew closer.

Inko was seen pacing around her apartment, she and Ben have been dating for quite a while now. She still couldn't believe it, her new boyfriend, Ben Tennyson, was a hero from another universe, the thought alone was extraordinary. Not to mention Ben was such a sweetheart to her, sure he did have his moments where he was a bit of a goof and a showboat every so often.

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