Izuku's Info

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Quirk Name: Omni-Morph
Quirk Description: gives Izuku abilities similar to that of a Slimebiote, if he is in possession of a source of DNA he can sample it and shapeshift his bodily features in order to use those abilities. Like for instance, he can turn his arms into those of Heat Blast's or Diamond Head's. Or even grow the tail and wings of Jet Ray or the extra arms of Four Arms.

Thankfully he did get an Omnitrix DNA Data core from Azmuth to help him use his powers better, as well as a Data core from the Nemetrix to allows him to use the powers of deadly alien predators if the need calls for it. As an additional feature with this ability, Izuku will eventually learn to morph his body into weapons made from Alien DNA, like a mace ball fist made from Heat Blast's magma rock, or even a spinning tornado shield made from Terraspin's DNA. He can also temporarily absorb powers via direct physical contact, like say if he were to touch another Quirk User he can absorb their powers temporarily and use their abilities.

Izuku is also able to alter his size to that of a certain alien like Four Arms or Rath's bulk and muscle mass, or even Way Big's massive size and Gray Matter's small size. All he needs is one or more features present to assume the size of the corresponding alien. Izuku can even go ultimate, or rather Ultimize his transformations with the help of a special module he and Azmuth Made.

Drawback: Omni-Morph can only transform a small percentage of it's user's body with each alien DNA, so Izuku can't go full alien. Though he can use multiple powers at once, but there is a limit to how many he can use at a time. And while Izuku's morphs are identical in strength and power to those of the corresponding species, they are still a reflection of him. So if he isn't very strong as a human his alien powers won't be that strong either, however thanks to his dad's training he's more powerful then most of the species.

However because of the small percentage of his body that's transformed they aren't that strong in comparison with a full form. Another drawback is that if Izuku tries to combine multiple alien DNA strands in one morph like say a blaster arm made from both Heat Blast and Diamond Head's DNA, it's much more strain on his body than he's used to. But he can still over lap his transformations like growing Four Arms' extra arms and turning the hands into those of another alien's.

Quirk Name: One for All
Quirk Description: a transferable quirk created by merging a quirk that the user can give to another person and a stockpiling quirk, which allows them to generate a massive amount of energy. And with each new user One for All grows stronger and stronger, and it's got a few extra abilities in it from past users.

Female Admirers

(BNHA world)

Ochako Uraraka

Itsuka Kendo

Momo Yaoyorozu

Tsuyu Asui

Mei Hatsume

Melissa Shield

Setsuna Tokage

Nejire Hado

Mirko Usagiyama

Tomoko Shiretoko

(Ben's world)

Hope (Charmcaster)(fountain of youth accident)






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