Heart Attack (a one direction fanfiction)

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hi guys!!(: so this is a collab story of mine and shorty_16 aka Emily<3. we hope you"ll enjoy it and hope to be updating soon. emily and i will be switching chapters off so every other chapter will have a different writer. this chapter was written by emily(: hope you enjoy<3

- Amy<3


Chapter 1 (Amanda's POV.)

“Are you ready to go?” my mom called from downstairs.

“Almost!”  I shouted back. I checked my bags for about the millionth time to make sure I had everything. “Coming!” I ran down the stairs. I was soo excited I practically flew out the door and into the car.

“Are you excited, I couldn’t tell!” my mom asked sarcastically.

“YES!! I can’t wait!” we were on our way to the airport, to meet my best friend Emma. She and I were jumping on a plane and heading to LA in just 1 hour! We were moving there to try to make it big as singers. Driving to the airport was the longest 10 minutes of my life.

As I walked into the biggest airport in Ohio, I heard someone scream, “AAAAAAMAAANNNDAAAAAA!!!!!” I turned around to see Emma with a huge smile on her face.

“EEEEMMMMMAAAAA!” I called back. I know we’re freaks, I mean this is how we greet each other. Before I knew it, it was time to board.  We said goodbye to our parents and climbed onto the plane.

“I can’t believe we’re actually going to LA! This has been my dream since before I could walk. I’ve been waiting for this for 18 years!!!!” she said dreamily.

“I know! Me too!” I said.

* * *

We finally landed about four hours later in LAX. “Now what Em?” I asked.  She stroked her imaginary beard pondering the question. God, that girl is so weird sometimes, but is exactly like me. Her face lit up

“Oooooo, we could go to Hard Rock Café! I’m starved,” she said.

“You’re always hungry,” I said laughing. “But then again, so am I.” we got a cab to take us to Hard Rock Café. The place was packed so we didn’t get to sit for a while. Eventually we sat down and ordered. “I’ll be right back,” I said. “Gotta pee!”

“Have fun!” Emma said laughing. As I walked away from the table I pulled out my phone to check twitter, which is my LIFE. I couldn’t see where I was going and crashed right into some one! I got a ton of ice down my shirt and soda all over me. I swore under my breath.

“What is wrong with you? Watch where you’re…” I looked up and my eyes locked with a pair of green beautiful orbs. Oh. My. God. Of all the people in LA, I had to swear at Harry freaking Styles. “I’m soo sorry!” I started babbling.

“No don’t worry about it babe,” he said, not taking his eyes from mine. “It was my fault, I should have been more careful.” In all the confusion I had dropped my phone. I started to reach for it but he said, “Let me,” and grabbed it. It was quiet for a little, while he stared at the screen on my phone. I was practically hyper ventilating. Harry Styles was holding my phone. “What’s your name?” he asked.

“A-Amanda Smith,” I managed to stammer. He smiled.

“I like that. Text me Amanda Smith,” he handed me back my phone and walked away. I looked down at the screen. Harry Styles had put his number in my phone. Harry Styles told me to text him. Harry freaking Styles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2013 ⏰

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