'Hard' working soldiers

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After we had our rest I woke up to a lively morning. It feels like a camp more than ever as the number of subjects have been increasing steadily.

As we began to pack up we organised ourselves into an line with me, Buck and the floating sphere of water with Lumos inside it at the middle.

As we walked Buck approached near to my side with his imp riding on his shoulders.

"Our group is really starting to grow huh, if this keeps up its going to be a straight up caravan" [Buck]

"Well i do plan on making a base eventually so ill probably do well with more servants"

"*gurgling water noises*" [Lumos]


I eased up on the bindings of the water sphere so that Lumos could protrude his torso out of its surface at the least. He took a deep breath as he pushed his head out and asked

"My lord, are you planning on establishing a kingdom?!" [Lumos]

"No, at least for now. Even if i do rule over a nation I don't think ill have the drive to take over the world again"

"AGAIN?!" [Lumos]

"Oh yeah, he's from the future. Moreover why don't you want to be a ruler?" [Buck]

"It's not that i don't want to, i just don't think ill have the energy to usurp the entire continent like before. Even back when i had my court officials take care of governing it took a big chunk of my time"

"Court officials? Like advisors?" [Lumos]

"Ministers, military generals, court mages, all that jazz"

"Huh, so like a council. How did you choose them anyways?" [Buck]

"Well most of them were my first followers who knew me well enough to work according to my wishes"

"So, i have the chance to be a court mage?!" [Lumos]

"Don't flatter yourself, you are barely even my apprentice"

"...is beast master an official position?" [Buck]

"Yes, i had an order of them too"

"I see..." [Buck]

Buck seemed to have been taking it into actual consideration from what i could tell. Honestly with how he's been caring for the hounds and raising the imp he did show potential.

"Well what is still required to establish a proper governing body for your nation?" [Lumos]

"Like i said, i have no plans for forming a nation at the moment. Besides, we don't even have proper guards yet. I'm just living my pleasure filled life for now."

"The goblins don't count?" [Buck]

"They are more like hunters in a way. They do a lot of the work maintaining the camp so having guards specialised specifically for guarding would be nice"

"Why do we need guards anyways, you could blow up any Smucker that threatens you" [Buck]

"As much as i appreciate your admiration, I'm not exactly a sleepless all knowing etherial being that is untouchable even when his guard is down. I need my rest, in my current state at least"

"Should you really be telling us this? Your slaves are in close proximity to you most of the time even when you slumber. Whose to say they wont stab you in your sleep" [Lumos]

"Hey! What do you take me for, an assassin?" [Buck]

"Oh cause your symbols from me would cause you to orgasm to death if you tried that"

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