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Natasha goes upstairs to find her kid then downstairs to find her then she hears music coming from down there and there she found her daughter dancing in point shoes while listening to the song.

Natasha was amazed her daughter was doing that and then her daughter called out to her. Natasha, I can see you there you can go now her daughter says. While hi nice to see you to it's been a long time Nat says while going to her daughter's help. Ya, it has been what do you want from me Andromeda says angrily. You haven't been here in 12 years Natasha Andromeda says. While getting up from sitting. Why can't I see my daughter Natasha say? You haven't seen your daughter in 12 years and you don't want to see me you need the house I live in to help you andromeda says angrily. You might be a good liar but one to family andromeda says then goes upstairs. Sweetie hi it's been a long time seems we saw each other come give me a hug Clint says to his daughter. Like I said to Natasha I don't need you Hi my name is Andromeda Ginevra Romanoff-Barton nice to see you but I have things to do and I have to go and then she leaves. She SHe doesn't like me, Clint, she called me Natasha instead of Mom I knew we should have gone to see her but I didn't listen Natasha says. Hey, why don't we show you around Clint says? They show everyone the house from top to bottom and it's clean like Natasha's clean. After they should them the house they heard  Andromeda on the phone and coming down the stairs with a large beg of close. Where are you going Natasha asked? I have to go some were Andromeda says. Were? Clint says. None of your business now I need to leave andy says. Then she grabs her keys and leaves. So that's your kid Tony says. Let's go look at her room we haven't seen it in 12 years Nat says. Everyone goes up and goes to her room. Wow this is an amazing look at how nice it looks she grows up and we didn't see it, Clint, we didn't see our Babygirl grow up Natasha say to Clint while tears in her eyes.

 Wow this is an amazing look at how nice it looks she grows up and we didn't see it, Clint, we didn't see our Babygirl grow up Natasha say to Clint while tears in her eyes

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(This is how she looks but with longer hair and more greener eyes) And here bedroom walls are lavender and they do not have swans on them

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(This is how she looks but with longer hair and more greener eyes) And here bedroom walls are lavender and they do not have swans on them.

Look there are some customers she has to wear I think Nat says and goes to pick one of them up.

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