Chapter 7

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Just like it had been said, Thoru immediantly began to help Machi cook, of course only after checknig up on Yuki. While they were cooking, Machi filled her in with everything, that had happened down to the last detail.

Thoru seemed rather surprised, that Hatori had simply just given her the information about the zodiac.
And her face showed pure sadness for a moment, once Machi had told her how he had been treadet by Akito.

''You know, I really didn't think Hatori would just give you that information''
''I suppose he thought I wouldn't believe him, until now, I haven't seen prove, but I guess it doesn't matter wether it's true or not. The point us, that Akito abused Yuki and that I know what to say to him, if he ever has a panic attack or something, when there is no way to call the Soma family, that I know hpw to help him."

At the same time Haru was having a conversation with Shigure anod Hatori, while Ayame went somewhere upstairs.

''So, what's the situation?'' Haru asked rther impatient

Hatori filled him in. ''Well, once we got here, he just kept clinging onto Shigure, until Machi managed to get him to swallow some sleeping pills. He then fell asleep in Shigures arms. When he woke up, he was a little more lucid and allowed me to do a check up. What I can tell youright now, he shouldn't go to school for at least a week, I'd prefer two. He is on a high risk for asthma attacks right now, he has developed a fever and he's underwwight, it seems almost malnourished. After that, we got him positioned on the matress and he fell asleep. I've been wanting to ask, you've seen him back then more ofthen, than I have, do you know, if he got enough to eat, or if he ate what was goven to him? He looks malnourished but not in recent way, like as if it was a littly while ago.''

''I see. Well I don't think Akito didnt give him anything, maybe it was little what he did receive or maybe he just didn't eat it, sorry I don't know more.''

Hatori sighed. ''Well, there is also another problem, Akito wants me at work in the main house and he wants his precious rat back.''

Hatsuharus eyes widened slightly. ''No way!'' he said. ''He just got out, we can't -''

''I'm not planing on doing that.'' Shigure interrupted him. ''That's the whole reason I allowed Machi to find out so much.''

"What do you mean?" Haru asked, not entirely sure, wether he liked where this conversation was going or not.

"While I myself am on good turns with Akito, most of the other zodiacs aren't. Especially Yuki, so I've decided, to somehow get Machi to take him and take care of him.''

''What?" Haru asked, while Hatori stayed silent, Shigure hadn't told him about that plan, but they had beoth had the same idea, therefore he had nothing to add.

''Machi is fit for it, I had a backround check done on her a whilke ago, when Yuki joined the student council as president, she is on rather bad turms with her own family, so she has nothing keeping her here. She managed to get Yuki to take medicine and she needs as much mental stability and help, not from some psyciatrist but from somone who understands the feeling, as he does. Besides that, the both of them seem to really like each other."

That's when Ayame walked in.

"So if I'm hearing this correct, your plan is that Machi takes Yuki and runs away with him, somewhere far away from here. Just because of Akitos mistreatment? He ould be leaving us all behind" Ayame said, in un unsual serous tone

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