chapter 3

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A whole week. I've made it through a whole week of bullshit schoolwork and teachers. I don't hate school or the teachers but... who am I kidding? I strongly dislike school. I especially hate accounting and Mrs. Wilson. I just left her class actually. I got in trouble for not doing her homework so I guess it's detention for me later today.

Of course it would be my luck to get detention on a friday. Dad is probably going to be on my case for this. He's supposed to fetch his fiance and her son after picking me up from school today. I guess he'll just have to wait for me. Maybe he'll make me walk home from school. Who knows.

Sitting in the detention room was the longest hour of my life. I did some of my homework but I really couldn't think at the moment. My mind was blank.

I reached for my phone and went into my text messages. I saw a few messages from my dad asking where i was. I told him that i was in detention and that i only had 15 minutes left. My eyes wondered to the text I received last night. It was a 'hi' from an unknown number. I was in no mood to talk to anyone so I figured if it was important that the person would message again. They never did.

The bell eventually rings indicating that detention is over. I make my way outside, pulling my jacket tightly closed because of the cold weather. Looking up, I take note of the dark and heavy clouds taking over the sky. I sure am going to have a good sleep tonight.

I spot my dad sitting in his car, a deep frown on his face. Here we go.

"Hi." I say as I open the car and sit in the passenger seat.

"'Hi'?" He says sarcastically. "I just sat here for an hour and you didn't have the decency to even send me a text to say you have detention? Samantha and Mathew have been waiting for me. Isabella the whole world doesn't revolve around you okay."

I sit staring down as I twiddle my thumbs. Don't cry don't cry don't cry.

"And now you're just going to sit there with a mouth full of teeth. God Isabella I have no words." He sighs as he starts the car's engine and drives in the direction of Samantha's house.

I turn my head in the direction of my window and close my eyes. I can't cry. I refuse to cry. God, why do I have to be such a sensitive bitch.

I've always been a sensitive person. A raise of the voice was enough to let open the flood gates. I always hated it. Nothing I tried helped. It was embarrassing how sensitive I was. It was embarrassing when I cried in the eighth grade because my teacher yelled at me for getting an answer wrong. And it was embarrassing today when my father raised his voice at me. I tried to shut off my emotions but nothing really worked.

After a long and awkward drive we finally make it to the Porters home. Before my dad can get out, I open my door and move to the back seat. I don't want to get in trouble for being 'disrespectful' by sitting in front.

I stare out of the window the entire way home. How I will make it through this weekend is a mystery. I might as well say goodbye to those boots I want so bad.

Before the car is even switched off, I exit the car and make my way to my room. I don't really want to have conversation with anyone at the moment.

Dropping my bag to the floor, I make my way over to my tiny closet and change my clothes to black biker shorts and a black hoodie. I think that pretty much fits the mood that I'm in right now. I take my favourite grey fuzzy socks and put them on my feet.

The only thing that'll take my mind off of today would be to read. So, I grab the book that I'm currently reading, a romance novel, and make myself comfortable on my bed.

Before I know it, there are tears running from my eyes as I reach the end of my book. I like how books can have that affect on people. It pulls you in so deeply that it becomes a part of you. You get attached and suddenly you start to feel the emotions that the character feels. It's a beautiful thing really. I like how it can make you escape reality. It can make you go into a better reality. Or, make you realise that there are worse realities than that of your own.

Looking out my window, I see that the sun as significantly gone down. Its around sunset time right now. I wipe at my tears and take a deep breath.

Suddenly I hear my phone ringing from where it's charging on my bedside table.

I turn my head to see who's calling and frown at the sight of the same unknown number that had texted me earlier. I grab my phone and answer it quickly.

"Bitch." The unknown person says on the other side of the phone.

I frown. "Excuse me?"

"I texted you earlier and you didn't think to answer me? And don't lie, i saw that you were online." The loud voice came booming through my phone's speaker.

"Sorry... who is this?" I say, trying to recognise the voice.

"Your favourite person in the whole wide world."

"Harry Styles?" I question.

He sighs. "No, it's Josh. And I am hurt that you would choose Harry Styles over me." He chuckles. "Nevermind I would choose Harry Styles over me too."

"Mhmm, if I didn't know any better I would say you're stalking me." I joke.

"You wish." He scoffs. "But anyway, I'm coming to pick you up."

I frown. "What you mean?"

"I mean, get dressed, im coming to pick you up and we're going to a party."

"No." I say quickly.

"No? You dare deny me?" He says in a thick voice.

I roll my eyes. " Look... Josh. I don't know why you want to take me with you to a party, but I'm not going. I dont like parties. I dont like people. All I want to do is sleep in my warm bed tonight and enjoy the sounds of the rain."

He sighs. "Gosh if I knew you were so boring I would've stalked someone else. Anyway, bye Bella. We'll go to the next party then."

With that he put the phone down.


Eeek chapter 3!!!! Hope you're enjoying the book.

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