10 😘😘😘😘

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Kengkla: Both our parents are friends they even thinks we are dating and they be saying when we finish school they will arrange our marriage, just so funny, they think they can do what ever they want. I know i haven't be denying the fact that we aren't dating it just doesn't bother me not like i have any feelings for Anna but i think there is no need to say the truth *like no we aren't*. It been few days that i came and i and Anna have been always talking on the phone. Actually i don't really feel lonely or maybe i should say am use to it.

Techno pov:

Techno: Mum am home.

T Mum: Welcome my son, go and change and call ur brother so both of u eat ok, it almost ready.

Techno: OK maaaa. *In his room changing his clothes* Nic food is ready let go and eat.

Nic: I don't feel like eating, not in the mood.

Techno: But mum has cooked already, get up and let go eat, what even wrong with u, why not in the mood.

Nic: Should i have a reason to. Why do u like talking, just go already.

Techno: Get up and go eat now, follow me, at least don't make the effort that mum put in cooking go to waste.

Nic: U so annoying u know, just go, i will come down in a minute.

Techno and his brother shares the same room.

T Mum: So how did school went today.

Nic: Like usually maaa.

Techno: Same but we have a new student.

Nic: That handsome guy right, today in classe the girls were all talking about him, they said he is rich too and his brothers are the J brothers.

Techno: Are u asking me all u know and u are just telling.

Nic: I want to know if it is true.

Techno: U knew he is handsome so why don't u know the rest, don't ask me because i don't know.

Nic: Why don't u know.

Techno: Why should i, it's not my business.

T Mum: Both of u stop talking and eat.

T&N: OK maaa.

After they finished eating the did their house chore and went to their room.

             °The next day at school°

When Kengkla was going to school in his car, he pass by Techno and Day, he saw them but they didn't, when he arrived at school they were staring at him but he ignored them and went to class. When he entered the classroom there were all in the class except Techno and Day, he had his airpods and was listening to music, as usually they were looking at him and some were greating him but he ignored them and went to sit at his desk, 5 minutes after Day and Techno entered the class and went and sat at their places.

Techno: Good morning Kengkla, how are u.

....... No response from Keng......

Techno: I saw that coming *he was whispering *

Even though keng was listening to music he heard him and placed his head on the desk. *Their English teacher entered the class* they greated the teacher.

E Teacher: So today we have another new student.

Some of the people in class said: Really we can't wait to see, Madam, a girl or a boy?

E Teacher: Come in

The class: Woow she is so beautiful.

E Teacher: Introduce urself.

The girl: Hi everyone am Anna and i just came to Thai yesterday, it's my first time here pls treat me well, Thanks.

*Anna was looking around in the class and everybody was looking at her so the teacher ask what she was looking for and Anna said*

Anna: Am looking for my boyfriend.

E Teacher: Ur boyfriend? U have a boyfriend in this class?

Anna: Yea Madam *she smiled*

*At the moment Techno saw that Kengkla was sleeping so she touched his shoulder to wake him up, when Kengkla woke up he turned to face Techno and said*

Kengkla: Didn't i told u to not touch me.

Techno: Kengkla the teacher is in the class that's why i woke u up sorry about that.

*When Kengkla finally looked at the teacher he saw Anna standing there and called her name*

Kengkla: Anna *with a surprised face*

E Teacher: Di u both know each other?

Anna: Yea Madam, he is my boyfriend *said that with a smile*

Classmate Baby: Whattt, was he the boyfriend u were just talking about?

Anna: *Nodded her head*

Baby: Nooo Kengkla i thought u were single.

They girl in the class were sad about the news they are hearing.

E Teacher: Anna go and sit there.

Here desk was closed to Kengkla and Techno.

Kengkla: How did u know i am in this school, when did u came, what are u doing here, are ur parents cool about u being here An(An for Anna, that how normally kengkla call Anna).

Anna: One after the other i can't answer all at once and we are also in class, let talk when if break time ok.

Kengkla: *Nodded his head*

Techno: Pls can u lead me a pen.

Kengkla: I don't have any.

Techno: Day can u give me a pen.

Day: sorry bro but i only brought one.

Techno: Ahhh don't worry, thanks by the way.

*Anna and Day were sitting together so she hear Techno asking for pen from Kengkla and Day but they didn't have some so she called Techno and said*

Anna: Hey here.

Techno : Thanks for the pen.

Anna: No problem, u can take it, what's ur name?

Techno: Ooo my name is Techno *and he smiled*

Anna: Nice to meet u Techno.

Techno: Same here. If u need anything just tell me ok.

Anna: I actually need something *haha*

Kengkla: Am all ears.

Anna: I want to get to know here quickly, so how about u tour me in the school at break time.

Techno: Of course i will *☺*

Techno: Of course i will *☺*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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