Author's Note

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First, I am not the owner of the pictures, or some are mine so don't sue me if you suddenly saw others or your arts here, and please let me borrow :-*.

Second, there are made up characters here that are not actually in the original One Piece.

Third, I do not own One Piece and hi to great Oda, love you, you are the best.

Fourth, there are also places, well actually most of them are all made up, so yeah sorry to geography.

Fifth, I must say that all in all there will be many things that are all just made up here, so expect those guys.

Sixth, if there are wrong grammars spellings or anything, I am sorry in advance I am not really fluent and great in english. There will be also some Japanese words to have more feelings for One Piece.

Seventh, there will be mature contents, this isn't a warning but a notice or reminder? Hahahaha

Lastly, if, okay? if there will be actually readers I am thanking you all in advance. And I hope this suit your tastes.



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