Woke up at Dawn

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Luffy's POV

Slowly opening my eyes, hesistantly shutting it again. I could feel my whole body ache in the slightest motion I do. My eyes still closed, I felt a gentle breeze of warm wind dump on my ahing body. I tried opening my eyes again and blinked adjusting to the blinding lights. I didn't move too much for my own body restricted it. Looking at my left where the breeze came from, an open window with the curtains swaying, welcoming the air from outside.

"You are awake."

I heard a voice from my right side, it was rather a feminine voice. And this place, gave me a rather nostalgic feeling.

"Luffy..." The woman called my name I cautiously looked at the beautiful woman beside the bed I am resting.

"Aunt Makino..." My voice are croaked and almost under my breathe. I feel devastated and irritated. I couldn't move and my mind is fuzzy.

"Don't push it. You should rest more." I felt her thumb brushing my cheeks. Its warm. I closed my eyes again trying to sleep more.

It feels like I just blinked a second and I am awake again.

"You must be hungry." I want to answer but it seems like my body couldn't even move a single inch, and my throat is dry. I just nodded and I heard the scratch noise of the chair beside me.

Aunt Makino came back to my side and offered me a hand to semi-sitting position. She helped me to a glass of water, and now I feel my throat freshened up. I took a glance to left side window, it seems its already night time.

"Where am I?"

"Dawn." She simply answered and offered me a spoonful of soup. I simply nodded and sip on the spoon.

I woke at Dawn. What happened?

I couldn't ask more after I finished my soup. I still feel tired. I rested my head on the pillows remembering what happened.

Oh. We had enemies. We fought them. I was stabbed. And surely, I collapsed from lost of blood. Pathetic, Luffy.

The last thing I saw was my father and Hack carrying my brothers.

My brothers!

"ACE! SABO!" I shot my eyes open and shout. That made Aunt Makino shocked, and I heard a loud thud from the door. Another person is in my room.

"Luffy!" Ah. Its Dadan.

"Where are they?..." They just stayed silent. I could feel them both tensed up. There is something up.

"WHERE ARE THE-- aghr" I tried to stand up and I must have shouted, I suddenly felt the pain all over my body.

"Luffy, calm down..." Aunt Makino helped me to lay down.

"But...I want to see them..."

"No. You're staying here brat." The voice undeniably came from grandpa. He walked inside the room, with his stupid look all over his face, telling me 'you can't fight me, so lay there and just obey me.'

"Jiji.." I said under my breathe.

"You were sleeping for less than two weeks." He started to explain.

"TWO WEEKS-- argh." Again, my body just wont follow what I want to do.

"Ace and Sabo?" I asked more calm now, just considering the pain all over my body.

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