The War has just begun

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Izuku:*POV* after leaving the church I started zooming past building after building looking for any place that needs help I found a few and ended up taking down a few villains and saving a few families

Reiko wasn't joking when she said this place was packed with villains it's like a war just broke out between heroes and villains I can already tell that this place is turning into a Warzone


Throughout the whole night the city of Japan was filled with explosions and everything else everyone was screaming for help but sadly no Heroes came by the help or spare a second

Some Heroes had retreated back to UA for their own company everyone can only hear it the sounds of rain falling through the night one woman was about to get raped buy one villain

Who was using his quirk to hold her down that's when he got his face smash into the wall knocking him down the woman looked up to see the hero/ vigilante Deku

She thanked him with all her heart he nodded his head and left to look out for more people in danger luckily he had an idea he decided to contact Reiko


Izuku: Reiko...Reiko!! Can you hear me It's Deku

Reiko:* press button* Midoriya!! Thank God you're alive what's happening out there fromthe radar I can see that it's hell villains and heroes are going at each other at least some

Some Heroes I can see are running away in panic either to UA or to their own companys please tell me what is happening and why aren't you back yet

Izuku: The reason I'm not back is because I'm here to solve some problems the heroes aren't going to do Jack shit so it's my job to return peace to the city

I need you to run some scans for me too check if there's any villains nearby there should be a large Blue Button it's called a UAV and there's a switch next to the blue button it's going to send me the locations

Reiko sweating: g-got it press *button then switch* Okay I did all of that did you get it

Izuku:*looks at tab* yeah I got all of it thanks I'll try keep in contact with you if anything's wrong make sure to contact me as fast as you can

Reiko: Okay........ be careful Izuku

Izuku: No promises Midoriya signing off for now


2 hours had passed midoriya had cleared up almost some of the two villains on the streets somewhere a little bit tough but he was able to take down kid received a little bit of injuries but healed himself

Midoriya was looking everywhere for the man himself but nothing came up that was until the ground started shaking he looked up to see none other than Dennis his heart started racing he was scared but he did his best not to look like it


Dennis: ~Hello Midoriya it's been awhile hasn't it~

Izuku: You bastard you have some fucking balls to show your face I know what you're planning Dennis and let's just say that you aren't doing shit I've grown stronger over the years

And it looks like you haven't even changed a bit let me guess you're 82 years old if I'm guessing right


Izuku: well it sucks to know that today is going to be your last day you stand on this ground you should probably make the best of it before I kill you I've trained half my life for this

I took that thing you said to me years ago seriously I may or may not be the chosen one to take you down or kill you and I'll make sure to damage you to the point for the real chosen one can destroy you

Dennis smiling: AHAHAHAH if you can't even kill me then what makes you think someone else can there's a 0% chance that you get out of here alive

I was playing with my food or at least my toy last time we fought but now I'll make sure you die in a slow painful death *snaps fingers*

Izuku:*Pov* when he snapped his fingers cameras and everything appeared what the fuck is he planning he planning to record my death I look at him filled with rage in my own expression he can tell because I have my mask over it

A smile appeared all over his face I guess I was right he is planning to record or live stream my death I'm going to go out I'll go out like a fucking champion *gets in fighting stance*

Narrator: TVs around the whole world had started showing the fight scene between midoriya and Dennis including the bunker where Reiko was witnessing the fight about to begin

She covered her mouth with fear that the one person she loved would die fighting one of the devils Sons that's when she decided to leave the base making her way towards the battlefield for the love of her life would battle on

Heroes decided to join along at least some of them did but they were stopped when demons have started popping out of everywhere going on a killing spree killings some of them and making some Retreat back

Dennis smiling: I can already say that you have some people that are trying to help you but too bad of that some had to die that's right some Heroes came to try and help you

I also feel one soul coming towards here I don't know who but all that I do know is this someone is special to you too bad that she might lose her life

Izuku wide-eyed: Reiko No

Izuku angry: if you dare touch her I'll kill you I'll make sure you die a slow painful death and I swear to my own soul that you will suffer Dennis

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Izuku angry: if you dare touch her I'll kill you I'll make sure you die a slow painful death and I swear to my own soul that you will suffer Dennis

Izuku angry: if you dare touch her I'll kill you I'll make sure you die a slow painful death and I swear to my own soul that you will suffer Dennis

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To be continued

The Ghost and the Vigilante (Izuku x Reiko)Where stories live. Discover now