Chapter 5

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The next day Y/N spent packing and listening to her father, who was basically just thinking aloud. He was filling her in on his knowledge of Loki, the wands and Eye, her powers, where the other wands could be, how they would meet over the summer. She found it comforting to listen to his ramblings.

She didn't need much, just a ton of clothes and a few personal items, and then, of course, some books and enchanted items.

Once she had everything ready to go, it all felt much more real. She knew she would miss her home and her father's company, but she had a job to do.

She looked at her father when it was all packed, and rushed to give him a hug. This startled Strange, who was half way through a sentence about the location of the mind wand, but he quickly accepted and returned it.

"It is almost time to leave, Y/N."

"Okay. When will you come visit?"

"Thursday, hopefully. Can you make it four days without your father?" Strange chuckled.

"I honestly don't know. I have no idea what I'm in for with this Loki guy - he sounds like a prick from how Nat and Stark described him."

"Just take comfort in the fact that you know plenty of sleep spells," Strange joked.

"Yeah, knocking him out is always an option," Y/N responded, half serious. Strange just snickered at her, shaking his head.

"Come on, I told Stark I'd have you over there by now. Ready to meet your new roommate?"

She shoved her father for his remark. He smiled, and with a snap, the boxes of things she packed disappeared, no doubt appearing in her new (temporary) home. Her father then opened a portal, and motioned for her to go through first. She did so, appearing in Stark's office. Her father was close behind. Stark's office was empty, though, so they began walking towards the common area, both of them knowing intuitively that that's where they were.

Stark sat across from Steve and Bucky, who were debating something about automatic rifles. It seemed as though Stark was observing.

"Hey, guys," Y/N said, announcing her entrance. Bucky and Steve stopped arguing, and Bucky stood up to give the girl a hug as a welcoming.

"Hey, kiddo! You ready for your assignment?" He asked.

"No idea. Where are Loki and Thor?"

"THOR!" Stark yelled suddenly, startling Y/N. She seemed to be the only one surprised by it. Thor did appear a moment later, but he was alone. He smiled at the sight of Y/N.

"Ligh'n bug!" He said, greeting her with a smile, "I'll bring you to him. He was in holding."

"In... a cell?" Y/N said, confused.

"Yes, he remained there until your arrival. Come, you can meet him."

"Oh- okay, Thor. Dad, can you stay for dinner?" She looked at him, her eyes pleading. Strange gave a stoic nod. She smiled, then turned and followed Thor through the facility. They went to a familiar hallway - the same hall she dropped Warren in. She stopped at Warren's cell, tapping the glass. Warren turned to her on his cot, and scowled.

"You, girl. Go away."

"Mr. Traveler, I'm not sure what you've done, but you really didn't seem like horrible company during your stay," Y/N said, and reached into her pocket, producing a candy bar. She slid it under the bars, "You don't have to take it, Mr. Traveler, but I thought you might enjoy something sweet."

Warren looked at her, confused. He got up anyways, and accepted it. Y/N was about to continue walking when Warren called out to her, "Y/N, wait-" she stopped and looked, "Could... could you bring me a sketchbook?"

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