(1) You where heading to sanctuary hills. You got the directions from your radio. When you were about to walk past Red Rocket, you saw a strange looking man with some Geckos. You also found it strange that geckos are in the Commonwealth instead of in New vagus. You...
(2) You where shopping in Diamond city when a man named kyle pulled a gun on his own brother. During all this you noticed everyone but one person was showing a bit fear and confusion. You noticed a strange man in a black coat just standing a bit closer to the men as if he was observing them. Just then the diamond city Guard came dealt with Kyle. The Guards told everyone to go back to their business. Everyone but the man left. Instead he approached the Guard and begin talking to the man and the security. You...
(3) you were an Institute agent. You where sent out to hunt down and reclaim, C6-22. You were told that he might be outside of diamond or at red rocket. You..
(4) you were tasked by Elder Maxson to hunt down and Kill C6-22. However you where having difficulty doing so because the synth always gets away. You..
(5) make it up...