Chapter 1

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(Madhu's POV)

"Champ, stop!" I yelled to my crazy dog. He kept running and wagging his tail at me.

"You crazy dog!" I yelled.

I was having trouble keeping up with him, even holding onto the leash. He had smelt something he liked, and he was the kind of dog that didn't stop at anything to get it. We were soon away from the main market and now in the narrow alleyways of the slums. Where the hell was this dog going?

We got deeper into an alley, where I caught the strong scent of chemical. Is this what he wanted? Champ stopped in front if a brick wall. At first I didn't see anything, but eventually following his nose, Champ nudged his nose against a shutter. Then I noticed that the bricks weren't set in place. I removed them one by one, eventually gaining access to the shutter.

"What say Champ? Should I open it?"

He wagged his tail and whimpered in excitement, scratching the shutter with his paws. I smiled at him and opened the shutter carefully.

It was dark and very quiet. There were old boxes and various things scattered around the place. I gripped Champ's leash tightly and walked inside. The dust quickly filled my airways and I coughed.

Then I saw a light ahead. And shadows of people.

"Our mission should be successful at any cost. If we fail, we will easily get caught by the authorities. Then our dream will only remain a dream." A man said in a low dark tone.

I made a hush signal to Champ, and tip-toed to the side of the open door, from where the voice came from.

"Is everything set?" He said.

"Yes, everything is set." Several others said in unison.

"Good. We will detonate the first bomb tomorrow at 12 PM sharp. Be prepared."

I quickly covered my mouth to avoid screaming. These guys were terrorists. I had to warn the police. I tried to escape, but then Champ started barking. I panicked and ran for the shutter, but it was too late. They surrounded.

"Looks like we've got an eavesdropper. What shall we do with her?"

"Bring her to our leader. He'll decide something about her." They both laughed out loud.

In just a few moments, I was strolling in the market to being a prisoner of despicable terrorists. They gripped my arms in a tight grasp and dragged me down the stairs. My feet skidded against each jagged stone stair. They were bleeding all over. I looked to my sides for Champ. He wasn't there. I panicked even more. Champ was like my guard dog. He must've escaped. I just prayed that he would bring help.

The terrorists tied me up to an iron chair and gagged me as well. A man walked up to me and out one foot on the chair. he looked like the leader. Only his eyes were visible, due to the cloth he wore over his face. He had piercing green eyes. Sweat and tears covered my face. I fought at my restraints, while they all gathered to laugh at me.

"You poor thing. So sad. You had to hear our plan and end up here. Tell me, who do you work for?" He asked.

He pulled off the gag for a moment.

"I don't work for anyone. I'm just an ordinary person." I said, panting.

"Oh really? Why were you here then?"

"My dog led me here. I got curious as well."

"Fiesty aren't you?" He said. "Name?"

"I'm not going to tell you anything?"

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