Chapter 6

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(Madhu's POV)

I was put into a dark, cramped area. It was hazy all around. Champ was nowhere to be found either. I was put on my knees, hands tied behind my back and my mouth gagged with a rag. My legs were bound tightly together. It was pin drop silent. I looked around to find someone, anyone.

No one.

I tried to move around on my knees, but my legs were bound so tightly that I risked falling face first on the dirty floor. Then I heard footsteps. Slow, but loud footsteps. Like they were coming straight to me. Menacing. I looked up to see my kidnapper. Those green eyes sparked recognition. Sultan.

"Back again I see?" He kneeled down to my level. I tried to free myself. He laughed.

"Try all you want, Madhubala....but you won't be able to escape from here." He pulled my gag off. I breathed heavily and spoke.

"You are so disgusting Sultan? What had those innocents done to you?!"

He grabbed my hair and tugged it hard. He glared at me, a deep murderous glare.

"I want revenge! They took my family away from me, and they destroyed my life!" He hissed. He threw me back against the barrels lying behind me. "And you will get me that revenge." He said, as he walked away, slamming the rusty door shut. It became darker. The lonely darkness was far too creepy, especially in an unknown area. I needed to get out of here, or else I was lose my mind.

(RK's POV)

My first priority was finding the rat that gave away our arrival. Once I found him, I could get to Sultan. It had to be someone from our group, because no one else knew of our position. My suspicion was mostly on Viren. I specifically told him to stay with Madhu at all times, but he let her go another direction. Without informing me of it sooner. He even went to make a discreet phone call before we left for this house. But it wasn't enough to prove him the culprit. I needed to catch him red handed.

I told Mukund to gather everyone, to discuss a plan I thought of. We huddled together. The area was steamy from the doused flames.

"Those men left clues of their identity. With that, we can track them down....." I explained the details of this plan. Then once everyone disbanded, I waited for Viren to make a move. Some effect showed when Viren sneaked outside. I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I followed him.

He walked cautiously to the back of the building. I peered around the corner as I waited for his next action. He looked around frantically and punched in a number into his phone. He tapped his foot while he waited for someone to answer.

"Hello?.....RK has found a way to get to your men. Get them out quickly, else he'll find Madhu and our whole plan will fail."

My suspicion was right. He was the traitor. Luckily the plan I told everyone was fake. I went back to the others and gathered them.

"When Viren comes in, surround him and hold him at gunpoint."

"RK! What is this?" Mukund asked.

"He's in cahoots with Sultan." Was all I was able to say. Viren came back, and everyone pulled out their guns and surrounded him.

"Uhhhh.....W..What's going on?" He said, trying to act innocent.

"Stop pretending and tell me where Sultan is." I said. He froze.

"What are you talking about RK? I don't have any knowledge or information on his location." Sweat beaded on his forehead.

"How about you listen to this....." I pulled out my phone and played a recording of his conversation with Sultan. Everyone gasped in disbelief.

"Anything you want to say now Viren?" He stayed silent, and chose to glare at me. "Now tell me where he is!" I yelled, slowly advancing towards him.


"Tell me or else I'll beat it out of you!" I roared.

"Do what ever you want...but I won't say." He pulled out his gun and aimed it at me.

"Oh really? We'll see about that."

Luckily, I had Mukund stationed outside. I signaled him through the window. He stood at the doorway, and shot the gun at the back wall. Before Viren could retaliate, I shot him once in each leg. He fell to the forums on his knees, grasping his legs to stop the bleeding and pain.

"Go take him to the van and lock him in there, and keep a close watch. And give him some first aid. I don't want him bleeding all over the van." I tossed the keys to one agent. He left with the other two, while dragging Viren along with them.

"I'll get something out of you Viren." I said.

(Madhu's POV)

I found a knife buried by a barrel that was behind me. And thankfully it looked sharp enough to cut me out of these ropes. The only challenge was to actually get the knife from under there. I scooted back slowly on my knees, to avoid getting noticed by the men watching over me. The slightest sound could send them over here in seconds. My fingers just grazed the knife when suddenly the door slid open.

"Boss needs you two. I'll take over." He said. The two nodded and moved into the other room. The new man looked at me and laughed.

"You poor thing. Don't worry, your misery will end very soon. And our mission will be complete." He snickered.

He reclined on this dusty chair near the door. I finally managed to grasp the knife with my fingers, while making sure he wasn't looking. I moved it against the rope as hard and fast as I could. The rope loosened as I got deeper into my bondages. Soon they were off, but my wrists were cut. I quickly untied my gag and my legs. I felt very weak from crying and not eating anything for hours. I kept watch on the man and slowly inched away from my spot. I tried to look for another way out, but in vain. My only means of escape were that door. And he was guarding it like a hawk. I needed a weapon. Any kind of weapon. I just needed to knock him out and quietly escape.

(RK's POV)

I sat Viren down in the interrogation room and bound him to the seat with some handcuffs. He glared at me, his nostrils flaring. I took a seat in front of him. With a gun in my hand.

"It's simple Viren. Just tell me where Sultan is...and now one gets hurt."

"I will never tell you."

"Really?" I took my gun and poised it at his thigh. "Do you want another bullet in you?" My finger was on the trigger.

"Do whatever you want RK. I won't say anything."

I thought of another method. I took out a box of tranquilizers from below the table and administered one to him, despite all his struggling. He was out cold.

"RK! What did you just do?!" Mukund asked. I unlocked Viren's restraints.

"Just wait and watch Mukund. A dog always retuned to his owner."

I unlocked the door and took Mukund and the team with me. I told them to get in another van in about 2 hours. I had parked in such a place that Viren wouldn't see it. If he wasn't going to tell me, he would lead me there himself.

"I'm going to foil all your plans Sultan, and get Madhu out of there." I vowed.

(Madhu's POV)

After much quiet searching, I found a metal rod lying against the side wall. But how was I going to get it without him noticing. I needed something else. I heard the door slide open.

"Is the bomb ready?" The man asked.

"Almost. Once it is we will move forward with our plan. That girl will be beneficial to us."

I listened to more, but soon it became inaudible. They started to whisper things to each other. What plan were they going to execute? And why did they need me for it?

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