14. Kiss me

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In kitchen,

Jimin was already in the kitchen making breakfast.

Jin went to him and hugged him from behind.

"Oh!! God you scared me Jin"

Jimin said placing his hand on his chest.

"Hahaha good morning Minnie"

"Jin I wonder, how many names you're going to give me"

Jin just shrugged his shoulder and starts to eat the bread which was in Jimin's hand.

"Aish... I am doing sandwiches you idiot, don't eat them. We don't have much" Jimin snatched the packet from Jin making him pout.

"Don't pout Jin. Well did you slept well yesterday??"

" Oh no Jimin-ah I didn't get to sleep well," Jin said sitting on the kitchen island.

"Why!? "

"Because of you," he said nonchalantly.

"Me?? What I did?" He asked confusingly.

"You're too loud Jimin because  of your screaming I didn't sleep well yesterday," he said with grinning.

"JIN!!" Jimin whispered shout at him.

"Oh!! What? Of course, it's true. If you don't believe me then ask Hyung he will tell you" Jin said

"Jin stop it," he said embarrassed

"Oh that one was good....what?? 'yes their' 'oh more' 'faster tae " Jin said mockingly imitating the other one. 

With that, he ran out of the kitchen to save his life.

"You brat stop it!!!" Jimin followed him through the kitchen and now they are in the living room. Jimin has a spatula in his hand chasing while Jin was running and laughing loudly.


Jin fell on the ground when he bumped into jk who just came out of his room. Making Jimin laugh.

Jk helped him to stand up "why were you running like that?? Did you get hurt??"

Jk asked while eyeing the younger from head to toe.

"No Hyung I am alright," Jin said glaring at Jimin who sticks his tongue out.

"By the way Jimin, you're too loud yesterday," jungkook said further walking into the dining area. This time Jin laughed loudly clutching his stomach.

"Jungkook!!" Jimin screamed in embarrassment making others laugh.

Then he stormed out of the dining area sulking like a kid.


"So where are we going??" Jin asked with a broad smile.

Now they all are in dining, having their breakfast.

"I planned everything, first we will go to a movie, then launch at any restaurant, then one long drive and finally we will go to the club" tae said.

"I'm sorry guys I don't think I can come to the club, dad called me morning saying he arranged a party with business friends.....so I have to go"

"Hyung I thought we will enjoy this whole day......" Jin pout.

"I'm sorry Seokjin, I too wanted to spend time with you guys but it's important. You know being the next heir of our company this is so important...I have to get to know others. But I'll promise you, I'll take you to the date next week. Okay??" Jk asked hopingly.

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