22. I'm Sorry don't leave me

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Authors pov;

After two days,

Jimin and Jin were sitting on the couch in Jungkook's house. A door-clicking sound made them look in the entrance direction. In no time Jin was running towards the door realizing who was at the door.

Jungkook is back after two days, clearing his mind. 

When he opened the door he saw Jin running towards him with teary eyes. He hugged him tightly, rocking their bodies. 

Jimin who saw this scene thought they should have their lonely time together. He walked over to them.

"So Jungkook, since you're back, I'm going to my parents' house. I'll take your car and send it back to you with the driver once I reach it. Solve everything. I'll be waiting for your calls" he said with a sweet smile and left the place.


   Jin is hugging Jungkook so tightly like he will disappear if he lets his hold on him. Placing his hands below Jin's thighs, Jungkook made him to circle his legs around his waist. Then he clicked the door lock and brought themselves to the living room couch. Settling on the couch he rocked their body's so that Jin would calm.

What felt like an eternity Jin pulled out from the hug and looked at the elder with his lips tugged downwards.

"Hyung I - I am...... sorry.....please don't leave me Hyung(hiccup). I can't (hiccup) leave without you.....I'm so sorry" Jin said trying to control his cries which made him hiccup continuously.

Jungkook cupped his face, kissing all over his face.

"Shh.....baby look here. Now I'm here with you, don't worry, okay?. I'm not going to leave love. How can I live if I leave you ha? I love you. I love you so much Kim Seokjin and I'm not leaving you." He said, wiping Jin's tears and giving him a bunny smile.

Jungkook gasped when Jin pulled him by the collar and smashed their lips without warning. He took time to respond to the kiss, but eventually he kissed back. 

Jin kissed him hungrily as his life depended on the kiss. Jungkook too responded to the kiss with the same intensity.

"I love you so much kookie," Jin said after breaking the kiss.

A silence engraved in the room. Couples are looking at each other. Their eyes move in sync but Jin breaks their eye contact. He felt too guilty to look at the elder. 

So he leaned slowly and placed his head on jungkooks chest, hearing those steady heartbeats makes his racing heartbeat calm down. He felt warmth when Jungkook hugged him tightly, kissing his head multiple times.

He missed these feelings, a warm hug, sweet kisses, lovely cuddlings, everything he missed this last month just because of his assumption.

"Eunwoo" Jin came out from his thoughts of the train when Jungkook said that name. He scooted back to look at the elder face.


"Eunwoo is the one who sent you those edited picks. He wanted to take revenge on me, that's why he sent those pictures. And then he started to talk with you nicely so that you could believe him and break up with me. I went to his house yesterday. We got into a fight but finally, he confessed everything." Jin's throat felt dry and he gulped hard. He lowered his head only to get lifted by Jungkook's hand.

"Don't worry. I forgave you. I hope this won't happen in the future"

Jin nodded quickly "I'll promise you Hyung. It will never happen in the future. Thank you so much for forgiving me!" Jin said giving wet smooches to the elder's cheeks which made jungkook smile at satisfaction.

Next day morning.

Jungkook was still sleeping when Jin came to their room after preparing breakfast. Jin smiled and hovered above him.

"Wake up, sleepy bunny. I made you breakfast. Let's eat together otherwise, I'll eat you instead of the food" Jin whispered the last line seductively in Jungkook's ear.

Jungkook's eyes shot open by the statement. Jin laughed at his expression.

"Aygoo our bunny baby is shocked" Jin laughed stretching the elder's cheek and pinching them slightly.

"What did you say?" Now Jung kook was fully awake.

"Nothing....let's go...I'm starving" Jin said giggling at the elder's reaction. Then he got off the bed but Jung kook was fast enough to pull him back.

Jin collided with Jungkook and Jk switched their position hovering above him, He held Jin's both hands on his head. Jin laughed loudly.

"Why are you laughing? And where did you learn those things?" Jung kook asked, kissing his cheeks multiple times.

"If you..........let me go..........maybe I'll say what I mean," Jin said slowly caressing others' legs with his toes.

Jung kook slid down pulling him closer. Jin turned his side looking at his eyes.

"I missed you," Jin said, leaving a chaste kiss on Jungkook's lips.

"Don't start again. I don't want to talk about it. We already cleared everything yesterday" Jung kook said, sleeping on his back looking at the ceiling.

Jin Sat up and started at the elder. Hovering above him, he placed his head on Jungkook's chest. He opened a few buttons of Jung kook's shirt and started to caress his name tattoo. Jung kook brought his hands up and hugged Jin's back. Jin lifted his head and looked at the elder.
Bringing his hands up he starts to trace the elder's face with his index finger slowly making other to have goosebumps by the slow, gentle, seducing touch.

"You know what? Jimin showed me some videos and I learned so many things. If you want I can give you a sample. What do you say?" Jin said, cooking his eyebrows, caressing other's lips.

"Hahaha..... I thought you were still innocent in these things. Guess what? I'm wrong. Here my baby sugar glider has become mature already" Jung kook said teasingly.

"mood spoiler!! Whatever. Come let's have dinner" Jin got up and went out of the room rolling his eyes.


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