35. If you ever loved me....

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Jungkook pov;

"Baby...." It came out as a whisper.

"No!!! Please don't call me like that...if you like me....no love me then leave me....go away from me...I don't want to see you anymore.....if you stay here I'll hate you more"

My whole world crumbled by his words. I looked at him in pain-filled eyes but his eyes only showed me the haters, not even sympathy.

"I agree me and Yuna are getting engage but we will break it after that....just wait for me," I said in hurry wiping my tears. If I don't tell him right now he will never listen to me.


My head turned to side by the sudden impact when I looked at him his whole expression was something else. He was not sad anymore he is in range.

"How dare you to say like that.....how can I believe you you will break the marriage....for you it's just an engagement but for me, it's my whole life..." He said through gritted teeth. He tried to leave the place, as he dashed towards the door purposefully hitting my shoulder with his.

I run behind him and hugged him tightly from behind.

"I'm sorry but this is the only way I can save her relationship....please try to understand...once everything gets settled I will tell you everything including why I didn't go to the restaurant that day to meet your family" 

He stopped wiggling in my holds and looked at my eyes.

"I'm tired all of this Jungkook........just....just end it here...I don't want to continue anymore" he said in a tired tone.

"No....no...no....dont say like that....just last chance....give me just last chance," I said cupping his cheeks. He leaned forward and placed his head on my chest. It felt so comforting, rubbing his back I kissed his shoulder. I was getting my hopes back when it all got ended with one single word.

"I don't love you anymore....just leave me...if you try to contact me once again I don't think I'll be alive" my grip loosen, I took a step back from him.


"If you ever loved me then leave me....let me live my life happily" 


Without looking back I came out from the bathroom and got dressed up. 

When I was about to open the door he came out from the room all dressed up.

I looked bank at him "I did my best to keep you happy.....if my absence makes you happy....then I'm ready to leave you......just promise me you'll be happy....but I still love you" with that I came out from the house not once looking at him.


Few more days;

Today is the last day of college. Yes, today is my graduation day after this function I'm going abroad. I'm going to settle abroad. I'm never going to come back. I'm leaving everything behind and going to start a new life where will only breathe but will never live. My life will be like a robot. No feelings only work. I wish I'll meet him one last time.

Looking at the mirror in front of me I chuckled sadly at my reflection.

"You're not lucky enough to have him," I said to myself.


In the whole program I looked at Jin, he was looking so happy with Tae and Jimin so I didn't disturbed him. Whenever he smiled, my lips were hugging upward. Seeing him this much happy made me happy.

After the ceremony I went out from there since I had important thing to do........


I hope story is getting better....

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