Chapter 1 - Mona Lisa*

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Inside the Fanciest Meeting House For World Nations to Chat and Argue (yes, that is the actual name of the place), while most of the world's countries were discussing the upcoming Party For Showing Off National Valuables (I swear, they need a better naming committee), one particular chair was noticeably vacant. Well, maybe more or less noticeable only to those who knew and loved her – the Faroe Islands.

It wasn't that she couldn't make it. She did – and immediately walked out when she knew her concerns weren't going to be taken seriously. Yet how could they not, given how much international security was at stake? But such was the dilemma of being an autonomous territory rather than a real country – a fact that, despite all the love her brothers had always showered on her, she resented at times like this.

And so, with her back against the wall, arms crossed and eyebrows scrunched together in frustration, she waited for the meeting to adjourn, wondering what she should do next.

The doors flew open, and Faroe's head flew up, eyes eagerly waiting for her brothers to emerge. Once she caught side of them, she nearly tripped over herself in her rush to hurry over. Denmark caught her before she could crash to the ground. "H-hej!" He laughed. "Where is the fire, sis? Or are you just that happy to be seeing us?"

"Shut it, Dane," Norway chided, then turned his attention to his sister. "Seriously, Faroe, where have you been?"

She raised her eyebrows sarcastically. "I am surprised you would be asking," she replied, "given what I have been trying to be telling you for days now."

Denmark laid his hand on her shoulder. "Come on, Faroe. Have we not talked about this enough?"

"Nej!" Faroe insisted. "It will not be enough until you start listening to me!"

Norway looked understanding. "We have been listening, Faroe. But that does not mean–"

"I do not care!" Faroe interrupted. "How many times must I be saying you are all making a huge mistake? You might as well hand over all these jewels to the Pink Panthers if you are just going to lay them out like this!"

And that was the source of her frustration. She knew for a fact – she even had evidence! – that the infamous international thief ring known as the Pink Panthers intended to steal the jewels being put on display at this upcoming party. Yet every time she brought it up to her brothers, she always got the same answers.

"You are overreacting." "Are you just wanting to avoid the party?" "We've never even heard of these 'Pink Panthers.'" "And even if we had, the jewels are perfectly safe."

Well, now she was going to prove them wrong. "Before you shove me off, listen to what I have to show you." She fished out her phone from her pocket. "I overheard them the other night, and I got recorded." But when she tried to pull up the file, her face and heart fell like lead as she read the words. "File Corrupted." A haze of disbelief crashed over her. She dropped the device, and then slammed her fist against the wall. "Nej!"

When she turned to face her brothers again, they frowned, though with sympathy rather than disapproval. Denmark looked hesitant to speak, but then did so with visible effort. "Faroe, do not taking this the wrong way, but...are you sure you did not just mishear anything?"

Incensed, Faroe snatched her phone out of her brother's hand so fast it startled him. "I know what this is really about. It's because I am not an actual country, is it not?" Denmark and Norway opened their mouths, but Faroe wasn't done. "Is it not enough that I have been autonomous for more than seventy years now?! What about Iceland? We are the same age, yet he is a country!"

"What about me?" Iceland's voice suddenly sounded as he entered the hallway, with Mr. Puffin on his shoulder.

Sweden and Finland followed after him, looking just as curious. "What is going on here?" Sweden asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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