{1: A Morning To Never Forget}

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I woke up in my coffin with a pounding headache, I could feel the sensation right behind my eyes. Been a long while since I was this drunk. What happened last night? I move to sit up, my coffin lid not even on from what I could feel, my hands playing the role of my eyes since it hurt too much to open them. I get to a standing position, and instantly empty my stomach. From what I could tell, I was in my basement dwelling, so I didn't give too much of a damn if I made a mess. I felt the need to shower, which is rare. While I am a being of shadow, I do enjoy doing some mundane things, and the feeling of warm water on my cool skin helps me keep what little sanity I got. It helps me remember more simple times, and allows me a strange sense of privacy I didn't know I wanted until it was offered. 

I go to strip down, but when I finally open my eyes enough to see, I'm already bare skin to the wind. Well then, that explains what happened last night. I give a small chuckle, and settle myself into the warm water. I can feel the throbbing vanishing as the water took away the disgusting feeling being drunk and hungover brought, along with more blood from my stomach going down the drain. Once I finally felt well enough to go upstairs and question Master, I stepped out and dried myself off before pulling on a fresh suit, only to get a brand new wave of nausea, and instantly I got sick again, making my eyes water from the stinging. This alarmed me deeply. I never get sick, and for me to still feel this wretched in my gullet deeply disturbed me. I clean up, right myself, and leave my vest and coat off, buttoning my shirt enough to be decent, but comfortable. I think the new age term for it is business casual. I pull on a pair of dress slacks and my boots, making my way up to the office, and felt my blood run cold, causing me to trip slightly. 

What is happening to me? Why am I having these illness anomalies? I get to the office and barge in, not really caring I get yelled at. 

" Alucard, what is the-Oh my good Lord you look ill! Sit down, what's wrong with you?" 

" I don't know, but I'm hoping to find out." 

I felt my accent be thicker then usual, and I did a damn good job of trying to sound as English as I could. I noticed the way it either invoked anger or fear, and with my master, it wasn't any different, but she shook it off, the worry from her was far more palpable then her fleeting twinge of fear.

" I'll have the med team come up and take a blood sample, while you get some in return to eat." 

" The fresher and healthier the donor, the better. I've already tossed my stomach too many times." 

" Really? I can tell from your hair you took a shower." 

" It helped me open my eyes, but it wasn't enough it seems to erase the migraine forever." 

A phone call and a moment later, a medical team was up with a standard phlebotomy blood test set. They even had a small tube for more feminine tests, given it wasn't a secret I could shift between genders and be a bit of a 'fox in the hen house', as Walter so decently put it. The thought makes me smirk a bit, and as they prep my arm, the head nurse gives me a small glare. 

" What's got you smirking? The one patient I never thought I'd get to deal with is now on my already busy roster, and since it is you, the importance of it getting filled is rushed to the top of the list." 

" I'm smirking because that little pink tube makes me laugh at fond memories, Doctor Vivian, that's all." 

" You know, one of these days, you'll regret acting like a womanizer and a harlot." 

" I'm centuries old, I highly doubt an old dog like me will stop such behavior."

With Doctor Vivian done, she left with the tests and my Master was nice enough to give me a small vial of her own. I didn't even question it, I just took it and downed it fast, the soft smile she knew to be thanks enough, given my current state and all. 

" What even lead to this? Did you go out drinking last night?" 

" I don't remember, Master. It's all blacked out of my mind, meaning I put the drink away hard." 

" You best hope this is just a minor setback and nothing too severe." 

" You think I enjoy this? I do the impaling, not the other way around."

An uncontrolled giggle comes from Master as the phone goes off, and as Master answers it, her face pales. 

" Alucard, does the mention of Father Anderson ring any bells about last night?"

I thought for a bit, and as I did, I pondered just how much I had to drink, and saw a few flashes of us fighting, us drinking in a pub, and then a very brief memory of him being rosy faced on possibly booze, kissing me very intimately. 

" I have some memories yes, but very few. I have a vague feeling we were fighting like usual, only to go out drinking and...oh good fucking god no....I didn't...No no no no-ow! This isn't happening! If that's Maxwell, ask him to have Anderson remember a very curvy woman in a red gown with a black French braid. It would be very ornate with gems and pearls in it." 

Master rolled her eyes, but asked anyway, and her face got even paler. 

" The answer to your question is yes. I am quoting directly here. 'Yes, I remember such a lass. One hell of a temptress, and an even better reason to sin.' Good Lord I'm going to need something to erase that image from my mind." 

I was in no mood to laugh. I slept with Anderson, as a woman no less. Which means-

" Master, What phase is the moon in?! This is very important!" 

I was regretting moving too quickly, the motion making me lay flat on the ground as Master moves to a calendar as panic and true unbridled fear coats us, looks over it with interest, only to hand it to me. It was a blood moon last night, no wonder I was out in my woman form. It was the one time I could pull off such a transition with little aid. Blood Moons, while rare, were the perfect time for a vampire to pull any and all kinds of human activities with little issue, and it's how purebloods and damphyr were born. I felt my memories come back full force, and it all clicked into place. 

I was out walking, and ran into Anderson, where we got into a fist fight, and as a prank I let him think he had won the fight, only to change forms and have him fall into my hand. I got shitfaced, as did he, which lead to us going from the hotel bar to the room he was staying in. We both got drunk as all fucking get out and slept with each other. I had rough, raunchy, drunk sex with not just my archrival, but the one man I wouldn't ever consider a lascivious lover, but I distinctly remember his hands and tongue doing things a holy man never should. Almost makes me sad to think it'll never happen again.

" Master, I know exactly what happened, but it isn't gonna be a joke of a funny story. It's a real problem. I know exactly what's wrong with me." 

" What is it then because I can hear Anderson getting sick in the background of this phone call." 

" I think...I know I had sex with him last night, and in result, because it was the female form I took, I have a high probability of being pregnant. A blood moon makes it easier to shift into that form, and since it was literally a night of genuine raw passion, as the fucking terms and conditions puts it, I can sire a damphyr child. Had I been male and done the same thing with a woman, it could happen then as well. A child of blood must be conceived when the sky is red and the moon bathes in the sins of the carnal night. Anderson is a father. I am a parent. I-" 

I felt myself getting close to crying, and I just curl in on myself, feeling sick and disgusting. I did the one thing I swore I wouldn't. I will sire a child of my own blood. And I did it with the one person I'd rather shoot then play parent with. I am pregnant and I hated it.        

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