{4: A Glimpse Of The Miracle}

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It's been two days since Alexander arrived, and it's definitely been interesting. If I fed from him, I usually had to give him head to help him get over the euphoria of it, not that I minded. I found that I had more than the average energy for such lascivious actions, and so I took it in stride, after all, it was a fair exchange. Today was the day we were getting the first ultrasound, just so we can get a guess at whether or not it's a heir or heiress. I wanted an heiress, honestly, but Alexander was insistent on wanting a boy, but would be relatively fine if it was a girl. I think he's just scared of the idea of being a daddy to a little girl. I was currently sitting in the lab tech's bed for such things, and Alexander was late, somehow. He said he had an errand to run, and would be back as soon as possible. 

" Is Anderson going to be here?" 

" He's out running an errand. He said he'd be back ASAP." 

" Well, have you thought of a name for the baby?" 

" I have, and I'm honestly stuck on one for the boy." 

" Oh?" 

" Part of me wants to name him Vlad, but as for the middle name, I don't know if I should put Alexander down. I want to have his name with the child, given it will have my last name due to my higher status. If it's a girl, Alexandria will be her first name, with mine as her middle name, but I honestly don't know what to do with the boy." 

" That is...surprisingly sweet of you. I think he'd be honored to have a son bearing his name, even if it's a middle name. It kinda rolls of the tongue in a way. Very much a strong name for a boy." 

" Honestly?" 

" Of course! I know how excited he is to get a boy, but he also knows you have say over the name, so I think it would be a touching surprise for either case."

" I think I shall keep it a secret. He might be pleasantly shocked by it."

" Sorry I'm late! The jewelers took longer than planned. Poor planning on my part."

" Why were you at the jewelers?" I asked as Alexander walks in, dressed in a plain black muscle top and the same blue jeans, but his cross was missing.

" I had them smith it into something else." 

He lifts his left hand where I could see it, and there was a small cross shaped ring on his hand, with a gemstone in the middle. 

" What's the gemstone?" 

" Well, I did the math, and figured out that the baby will be born sometime within the month of August, and so I had them put in an August birthstone. I had the scrap made into a matching pendant with mine and yours for the baby. The smithing took away the blessings on the steel and silver in the old thing, so it is safe for them." 

I was no longer mad, I couldn't be. " That is the nicest thing I have ever heard, Alexander. I don't know what to say, other than how in the hell did you figure out my birthday?" 

" I figured since you wore a band, so should I, but I need to wear a cross as part of the Iscariot uniform, so I just kinda bent the rules a small bit to fit what I needed, especially this was too small. I'll need to learn how to fight with them on, but I can do that later. As for your birth month, that was easy. Integra told me you get extra sulky near the beginning of December, which is ironic, given mine is in early November. Now, let's find out if it's a lass or lad, aye?"

I just nod, trying my damnedest not to have him see me fucking cry. The nurse is all smiles, and gets the machine all set. 

" Alright, the gel will be cold, Tina." 

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