Stress Relief (X READER)

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Oneshot by the owner of this account!
Ig: dangdammitdave

Prompt by: EthanIsSmecsy

Lately Elijah has been snappy. If I ask him if he's saw something he responds with "no I obviously haven't stop asking me" or "wtf I'm not a detective y/n". If I ask him what's wrong he just says nothing or tells me to mind my business. I'm not that smart, but one thing I do know is that something is up with Elijah and that I I'm going to find out what it is one way or another.

It's about 9pm on a Friday night and I'm preparing myself to go ask Elijah what's wrong. He usually stays in his office playing games, raging all night and making videos during the day which is why I haven't asked him what was up with him until now. I knock on his office door and peak inside, he had headphones on so he probably didn't hear me. I invite myself into the room and make my way over to him, I take a deep breath knowing if this doesn't go as I planned I'm gonna be angry.

I tap his shoulder, he doesn't react, I tap it again and he yells "WHAT?". I Snatch his headphones off his head and almost break them, then I turn off his computer. "WTF are you DOING?" he asks trying to grab for his headphones. I hold them farther from him and start talking. "Elijah what's wrong with you?? You've been acting weird lately" he stands up out of his chair and hovers over me "nothing. Now give me them" he tries to yank the headphones and I yank back. I cringe at the sound of cracking plastic. They broke. "YO YOU BROKE MY HEADPHONES" he yells at me holding the two pieces. I shove him down into his chair and yell back "FUCK THE HEADPHONES WHY HAVE YOU BEEN ACTING LIKE THIS? DAMN WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?" He looks down and speaks quietly "I've been stressed out" my expression softens and I look at his face. He looks sad.

"All you had to do was tell me babe" I said sitting on his lap "I can help you relieve your stress." I start rubbing his back. "I don't like bothering you" he says still looking down. I move from sitting across his lap into straddle position and wrap my arms around his neck. He starts to speak but I cut him off "what are you doing y/n i-" I put my finger to his mouth as a way to tell him to hush "I'm gonna relieve your stress, so relax". I smile at him and start grinding my hips on top of him, in reaction he grips my waist. I go harder and harder on him which makes his grip tighter. He's breathing heavily and gazing in my eyes. I can feel him getting harder under me. I slide back farther on his lap to untie his pants string. He picks me up and sets me on the desk so he can take them off but I reach them before he does "I said relax." I pull his pants off and I play with the band of his underwear. He realizes I'm trying to tease him and he groans at me. "Shh it's okay" I say to him as I pull them down. His dick pops out and I look in his eyes, I can see the desperation in them. I once again push him into the chair, then I get on my knees to I suck him nice and slow for a while, I can hear him whining above me and it makes me happy. I stop to look at him and his face is filled with ecstasy. He brings his dick back to my mouth and I kiss the tip, he takes a sharp inhale, I smirk at him. he smirks back. I stand up in front of him and start taking my clothes off, he tries to sit up and help me but I don't let him. After I'm completely naked I climb back onto his lap and go to kiss him, but he kisses my breast instead, I start staring at him and I guess he catches a glimpse of my look and kisses the other. He winks at me and licks my nipple. I catch myself before I get too distracted by him and grab his chin. I bring his lips up to mines but before I kiss him I whisper to him "this is about you." I give him a deep kiss and in return he starts french kissing me, I kiss back. I was hovering over Elijah's lap before, but he presses me down onto him as hard as he can. As we're kissing I slip him into me. "...y/n" he breaks the kiss and whines. I start slowly moving up and down on him, increasingly getting faster. Going along with my trusts his moans get louder. He grabs my ass and grips it while I fuck him. He lets his head hang back and he relaxes. At this point I'm bouncing on him, he furrows his eyebrows and brings his head up, still moaning. I can tell he's reaching so I speed up, he tries to grab my waist to slow me down but it's no use, his grip is messed up because of the overwhelming feeling he's getting. "Fuck, y/n" he groans. I can feel him pulsing in me, then I feel his release. I ride off his orgasm then I look at him. He's laying his head back with his eyes closed and is breathing hard, basically panting. I lean in and kiss his neck. I finally get off of him and I go grab a towel to clean ourselves up. I clean myself up first then I clean him. He gets up and starts redressing himself. He looks sleepy now. Next thing I know he picks me up and starts walking out the door. "Bedtime." He whispers into my ear as he closes the office door behind him.

Phew child 😭

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