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Alex and Elijah were on the deck facing the backyard, sitting on a couple of chairs. There was roofing over the bit of the deck they were on, so that’s why they were out there watching the rain.

-Alex pov-

It’s so peaceful and quiet out here. I’m trying to make small talk with Elijah, but failing, maybe because this isn’t really the time for talking right now, just admiring. I must admit that with him sitting right there... I’m starting to get a little bit horny.. I’m not sure if he’s in the mood to do anything though...

-Elijah pov-

He thinks I’m not in the mood, but I’m more in the mood than ever.. I hope he wouldn’t mind getting pounded tonight..
I guess I should make a move.
“Hey Alex?” I asked
“Yeah?” Alex responded cheerfully as he snapped out of a thought.
I get up and walk towards his chair. I stop in front of it and put a hand under his chin. I tilt his head up a little and look directly into his desperate eyes. He wants me.
-3rd person-

Elijah sits on top of Alex and grinds against him.
“Remember this?” Elijah asks
Alex’s thoughts are racing and he can’t come up with anything to say. Elijah giggles.
“You’re so cute...” Elijah complimented.
Elijah stopped grinding, and made out with Alex. This was the longest kiss they’ve ever had. Every second of it had more passion and love than the last. They finally stop after a minute.

“Get up and get your pants off.” Elijah commanded. Alex did as told, and got an erection. Elijah had one the whole time and hadn’t been afraid to show it. Alex got up and stood by the railing of the deck. Elijah sits in front of the railing.
“Sit on my lap, baby.” Elijah commanded again. Alex got comfortable on Elijah’s lap facing towards him. Elijah didn’t exactly know what he was doing, but went at it anyways.
He started fingering Alex with just one finger, but soon alex asked to add another. Elijah did as told, and they both got harder than before.
Elijah started off slow and loving, but soon he was quickly going at it. Alex started to leak precum a little bit, so Elijah stopped, afraid his clothes would get stained.

Alex got up and so did Elijah. Alex turned around facing away from the deck, grabbed the railing, and got into position.
“Please fuck me.. I’ve always wanted this...” Alex tried to come up with something better, but he was so horny he couldn’t think of anything.
Elijah didn’t say anything. He walked to the door where a bottle of lube was conveniently sitting, picked it up, and rubbed it all over his dick. He took off his pants and underwear and put them with Alex’s clothes. He grabbed Alex’s waist and teased his hole, only sticking in the tip.
“Daddy...” Alex said bracing himself and grabbing onto the railing even tighter. Elijah started slowly thrusting into Alex, making sure he was okay with the feeling. Alex was softly moaning and already leaking lot of precum. Elijah was starting to leak some too.  Elijah started to speed up, and Alex moaned a bit louder from the feeling. “You’re gonna keep calling me daddy from now on, okay baby?” Elijah commanded “Of course I will, daddy, anything for you” Alex responded. Elijah noticed that Alex grabbed on harder to the railing and was getting much louder.
“You like that, don’t you?” Elijah asked. Alex didn’t respond, instead he came so hard that he was shaking from the orgasm.“Keep going, daddy. I want you to come in me.” Alex requested Elijah never stopped fucking Alex even when he came, so he sped up a little more. The rain poured down harder, and was noticeably much louder. Alex was noticeably much louder too, practically screaming. Once again, he was leaking precum all over the place. Elijah started to leak more too. Elijah was aggressively fucking Alex at this point. Elijah started softly moaning, but it wasn’t loud enough to be heard over the rain pouring down on the trees outside, and it definitely wasn’t loud enough to be heard over Alex. After a couple of minutes, though, Elijah was moaning loudly, and was leaking the most precum he’d ever leaked in his life.

He grabbed onto Alex tightly, and stopped fucking him as he came. Alex came with him. After Elijah was done, he pulled out, as a mixture of lube and his cum poured out of Alex’s ass.

They were both speechless as they were panting together, out of breath as they listened to the rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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